I think today's date will go down in history, regarless of what happens this year on this date. Last year's 12/21 EO Blocking the Property of those involved in serious Human Rights Violations… ummm… I mean… that was a GAME CHANGER… we only have an idea of the impact of that EO from our current perch. That was THE BALLGAME.
The ALL CAPS word "NEW" in "NEW puppet master" converts to "555" numerically. What a coincidence.
N=14th letter=1+4=5
E=5th letter=5
W=23rd letter=2+3=5
It's just the photographer's (or someone else's in the room) reflection. Check out how weirdly reflected the GW portrait from the opposite side of the room appears in pane one row higher, center.
The PHOTOGRAPHER… her flash tower is pretty evident even.
Heavy lifting = done.
Rollout… we got a sneak-peak. Now WE'RE going to feel like (already have been) the Q-group that's said one of the hardest parts of all of this has been ''knowing'' for so long and having to wait for everyone else to know too.