The Notable Bills
S. 1311, the "Abolish Human Trafficking Act of 2017," which reauthorizes the Domestic Trafficking Victims' Fund through Fiscal Year (FY) 2021; authorizes appropriations through FY 2021 for the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Homeland Security for programs responding to severe forms of human trafficking; expands the Department of Justice's grant program for State and local governments to provide services to victims of human trafficking; and amends Federal criminal law to modify penalties for certain offenses related to human trafficking;
S. 1312, which reauthorizes certain grants for programs that support victims of human trafficking;
S. 2511, the "Commercial Engagement Through Ocean Technology Act of 2018 or the "CENOTE Act of 2018," which authorizes the Department of Commerce's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to evaluate the use of unmanned maritime system technology for use in data collection;
H.R. 6964, the "Juvenile Justice Reform Act of 2018," which authorizes appropriations through Fiscal Year 2023 for the Department of Justice to carry out provisions of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 (JJDPA); modifies parameters of the formula grant program under the JJDPA to require States to incorporate evidence-based and trauma-informed practices and programs into plans for improving their juvenile justice systems; and modifies the incentive grant program for local and tribal delinquency prevention efforts;
H.R. 7327, the "Strengthening and Enhancing Cyber-capabilities by Utilizing Risk Exposure Technology Act" or the "SECURE Technology Act," which requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to establish a security vulnerability disclosure policy; requires DHS to establish a bug bounty pilot program to minimize vulnerabilities of DHS information systems; and establishes an interagency Federal Acquisition Security Council to set supply chain risk management standards;
H.R. 6400, the "United States Ports of Entry Threat and Operational Review Act," which requires the Department of Homeland Security to submit to Congress a threat and operational analysis of U.S. air, land, and sea ports of entry;
H.R. 6227, the "National Quantum Initiative Act," which establishes a National Quantum Initiative Program to accelerate the development of quantum information science and its technology applications;
H.R. 1162, the "No Hero Left Untreated Act," which requires VA to carry out a pilot program to provide access to magnetic EEG/EKG-guided resonance therapy to veterans with certain health care diagnoses;
H.R. 1733, which directs the Secretary of Energy to review and update a report on the energy and environmental benefits of re-refining used lubricating oil and to provide Congress a related strategy for its use;
H.R. 3383, which designates a flood control project in Sedgwick County, Kansas as the "M.S. 'Mitch' Mitchell Floodway";
H.R. 4431, the "Correcting Miscalculations in Veterans' Pensions Act," which authorizes Federal agencies, and the Senate and House of Representatives, to pay any pension deposit interest that is charged to employees, members, or annuitants as a result of an administrative error;
H.R. 4819, the "Defending Economic Livelihoods and Threatened
Animals Act," which requires the U.S. Agency for International Development, in coordination with other Federal agencies, to develop a strategy to promote responsible management of natural resources, water, and wildlife in the great Okavango River Basin in southwest Africa;
H.R. 5787, the "Strengthening Coastal Communities Act of 2018," which revises certain boundaries and removes certain units in the John H. Chafee Coastal Barrier Resources System;
H.R. 5923, the "Walnut Grove Land Exchange Act," which authorizes the exchange of land within the Ouachita National Forest in Arkansas;
S. 3170, the "CyberTipline Modernization Act of 2018," which Modifies the reporting requirements for internet service providers who provide information to the CyberTipline of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children on crimes involving the sexual exploitation of children; and
S. 3749, the "Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 Reform Act," which amends the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 to reform the procedures for the initiation, review, and resolution of claims alleging that employing offices of the legislative branch have violated the rights and protections provided to their employees, including protections against sexual harassment.