At each degree they are required to recite an oath. It changes as they go along. At some point they start swearing to Isis (Egyptian). I don't remember which degree that is.
You sound like you would think that all is One.
> fated for eternal damnation.
Common misconception. The Lake of Fire my burn for ever and ever. But the "second death" is final, finite, and is not followed by an after-afterlife.
Satin was poetically called "morning star" because he was the brightest angel in heaven. Venus (morning star) is of course the brightest "star" in the sky.
The idea of Saturn being a source of malevolence was a pagan concept. Different system entirely.
Yeah. I need to proofread more.
I wish spellcheck would also give me the ability to remove words I that don't use and which are therefore likely misspellings.
>Lol… Triggered the defense programming.
People often compare Genesis to the scientific standard model. This is not what it was meant for.
The Genesis account was essentially written as a rebuttal to the Sumerian and Egyptian belief systems the Hebrews were were surrounded by as they were wondering the desert.