and you personally analyze the fuel chemically every time before you fly, retard
no, your''re the amateur, asshole
check out aluminum nanoparticles as a fuel additive, which puts aluminum and other metals in the atmosphere
check out aluminum and other metallic nanoparticles a fuel additives, which puts aluminum and other metals in the atmosphere
looks like chemtrail chemistry, not weather modification chemistry
hey retard, the fuel additives are aluminum, etc
metals have been used as fuel additives since tetraethyl lead was invented for leaded gasoline
metals have been used as fuel additives since tetraethyl lead was invented for leaded gasoline
and yes, all jet fuel is essentially kerosene with metal additives
jet engines could be made that were fueled by water (electrolyzed into hydrogen and oxygen on board and fed into the jet engine and combusted) but no company is making them
metal/organic chemicals (like tetraethyl lead) have been used since the advent of leaded gasoline in jet fuel
there are already aluminum/organic additives in jet fuel
this is just the latest iteration and it is already being used