Hit the spot, thx.
Did anyone see the show when Dershowitz was on–I think last night or Wed–and he lambasted Tucker for saying something about the caravan that sounded racist or something to D? D acted really disgusted; Tucker was shocked although he tried to cover it over. Totally unexpected attack, like a broadside. Made me wonder what was up; didn't feel right.
Tucker makes Fox a lot of money but he also manages to be a pretty good guerrilla warrior–maybe a little TOO good.
Ever wonder whether that attack on him home was a warning to back off? He did not back off; now maybe they are upping the ante. He is careful but if they decide he's revealing too much truth, they made find a way to turn people against him, no matter how lucrative his show is (think Roseanne).
Read more Sun-Tsu, anon.
Didn't find the link in the QResearch db. Worth a notable, anon; next bread??
At least you care, anon.
Try to stay in the moment, allow things to unfold, do not worry. You are loved, never alone. We are here, we are one. Brave.
Sorry not to be helpful. In the end, we all make the choice to decide as we will.