Anonymous ID: cf14d2 Dec. 22, 2018, 1:50 a.m. No.4422446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2452


>We know House has passed this bill, it's got about $6B in wall money, now it goes to the Senate, will they be able to pass this thing?


<Sarah Sanders

>I hope so. The House Republicans delivered a huge victory last night for border security

>We're very hopeful that the Senate will come through and help protect the American people

>We HAVE to put a stop to the massive inflow of drugs, human trafficking, and terrorists coming across our border

>We need to know who is coming, why, and what they plan on doing when they get here

>Important we have an orderly process to follow

>We have to have a wall

>We have to have border security

>We have to protect the American people

>POTUS will stand firm and make sure that happens, one way or another.


<Ainsley Earhardt

>Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) tweeted that House passed a bill that fully funds gov and enables a wall and secure border. Senate could do the same by eliminating the filibuster. 51 votes, same as we do for judges!

>Do you think that is something they will actually take seriously?



>They should. It's such an important issue.

>American people want the wall.

>American people want to be protected.

>Senate has a constitutional duty and authority to actually protect our country and the American people

>We cannot be a sovereign country if we don't have borders

>We hope they step up and do their jobs before going home for Christmas

>It's too important and we hope they'll do whatever is necessary to get the job done.


<Brian Kilmeade

>We don't know what's on the schedule, most of yesterday (12/20) was ad libbed.

>Had a YUGE vote in the House that proved Nancy Pelosi flatout wrong.



>That's not the first time nor do I expect it'll be the last

>Nancy Pelosi has been around a long time and I think she'll be wrong a whole lot in the future


<Brian Kilmeade

>Yeah but it was black and white. Pelosi was SO wrong and humiliated to a degree

>It used to be that there was dialogue back and forth on disagreements to come to a compromise

>Any sense that is happening and they want to go home for Christmas?

>Do you know of ANYTHING on the schedule?



>We'll do whatever we can to assist the process but at this point it's up to the Senate

>One thing that hasn't gotten coverage is the cooperation POTUS has had with the Mexican government regarding ending catch and release.

>Sad day in America when Mexico is doing more to protect the American people than Senate Democrats

>I hope they'll work with us (POTUS and Senate Repubs) to get the wall built and start protecting our border.


<Steve Doocy

>Lot of rhetoric on both sides

>Will POTUS still go to Mar-a-Lago if there's a shutdown?



>If there is a shutdown POTUS will remain here in DC

>We're hopeful people will step up and do their jobs today so we can get that done


<Steve Doocy

>What are the odds, realistically, the Senate will pass something and there will not be a shutdown?



>You'll have to ask the Senate


<Steve Doocy

>I'm asking you, what is the philosophy in the White House about it?



>POTUS has been extremely clear that he will shutdown the government if they don't get this done.

>POTUS will not back down on this and he will stand firm.

>Too important to protect our democracy.



Anonymous ID: cf14d2 Dec. 22, 2018, 1:51 a.m. No.4422452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2504



continued from >>4422446


<Brian Kilmeade

>I've searched everywhere but I cannot find praise for POTUS from Mattis, despite POTUS praising Mattis, are they still on good terms? How bad is the relationship?



>Yes, despite their disagreements on a number of things that he outlined in his resignation letter

>At the end of the day the American people elected 1 person to be Commander-in-Chief and to make decisions

>POTUS heeds his council, which is a big group, but makes his own decisions, that is what he was elected to do

>Mattis leaving was right and honorable

>Served this country for over 40 years. Two years with POTUS

>White House has highest regard and respect for Mattis

>Mattis isn't just walking out the door, it's an orderly two month transition period


<Ainsley Earhardt

>Who's on the list for his replacement?



>A lot on that list but right now we have a strong Deputy Secretary (Patrick Shanahan) to hold the ground during this transition


<Steve Doocy

>A lot of people concerned about Syria but this is something POTUS has been talking about for a while




>Anybody surprised by this has been living under a rock

>POTUS has been wanting to bring home our troops for a while, he campaigned about it

>We were in Syria to defeat ISIS and we defeated the territorial caliphate

>99% of ISIS has been wiped out of Syria

>POTUS will not be involved in another civil war in the Middle East and put American lives at risk

>POTUS pledged to bring the troops home and that is exactly what he is doing.


<Brian Kilmeade

>He's giving Russia a big win

>Putin praised him

>POTUS claimed Obama founded ISIS and he just refounded ISIS

>30k already striking back at our evacuation

>POTUS is really on the griddle about this


<Sarah trying not to laugh

>I have to respectfully and vehemently disagree with you

>The very notion that POTUS has anything to do with helping ISIS is outrageous

<Brian interjecting that leaving Syria is helping ISIS

>POTUS has made the US military the strongest force on the face of the planet

>If ISIS wants to pick a fight, POTUS will destroy them–as he's done

>99% of ISIS has been wiped out in Syria

>POTUS does not and will not put American lives at risk getting involved in another civil war in the Middle East

<Brian interjecting word on the ground is different than what you say

>If we need to fight ISIS again, POTUS is not afraid to do that.


I'll admit I got a little concernfag, along with a few other anons about Mattis being /ourguy/ or not but it's just brilliant optics by POTUS and team, as other anons have pointed out.



Anonymous ID: cf14d2 Dec. 22, 2018, 3:34 a.m. No.4422870   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2875 >>2907


<Juan Williams

>Senate scrambling to avoid partial shutdown

>Senate Republicans trying to move forward with a procedural vote but it's unclear if they'll have the votes to go forward

>Over at the White House POTUS trying to place blame at the feet of the Democrats



>Totally up to the Democrats whether or not we have a shutdown.

>I don't want a shut down and I hope we don't but we're prepared for a very long shutdown.

>It's our opinion that this is our only chance, because of the world and how it breaks out, to get great border security.


<Juan Williams

>Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer says shutdown would be entirely Trump's fault.

>Democrats will not budge on any more funding for the border wall.


<Chuck Schumer

>Mr. President, you will not get your wall.

>Abandon your shutdown strategy

>You're not getting your wall today, next week, or January 3rd when Democrats take control of the House


<Juan Williams

>Jesse, everyone is trying to figure out what's the end game?

>How does this all play out re:POTUS strategy?


<Jesse Watters

>I don't see it, Juan. I really don't.

>If a bill comes to his desk, either sign it or veto it. At least he tried.

>It just goes back and everything gets shut down for maybe a week and Democrats come back and never offer anything and you're back and square one.

>Maybe he is signaling to his base that he is willing to fight for the wall

>It's a core promise and McConnell was unable to deliver the first time

>If they get rid of the filibuster, which they won't, they could get a lot of stuff but the current setup with 60 votes won't allow that to happen.

>Dems will try using the leverage of the shutdown time and time again


<Juan Williams

>It's a hot issue. Quinnipac polling shows 54-43 no need for a wall. 62% of Americans opposed to a shutdown

>Among Republicans, 59-43 say yes to a wall


<Dana Perino

>Equally among the Democrats would be opposed to the wall, it's quite partisan.

>I thougt the language Ted Cruz used today is interesting, that they're extreme and partisan and that POTUS is reasonable and middle of the road.

>Remember the deal back in February that was so amazing?

>That deal would have given $25B plus DACA fix

>Maybe that was the deal they should have had but Dems are too entrenched saying no.

>Brian Schatz (D-HI) flew 11 hours back and forth JUST TO VOTE NO


<Juan Williams

>Greg, I know your position is "Things happen" but what's going on is making the likes of conservative talking heads like Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh get all concernfag "But the Dems…"

>What would Greg Gutfeld advise POTUS to do?


<Greg Gutfeld

>Ooh, interesting question. Hate to use it but it's like Yanny/Laurel

>POTUS got Dems to agree that having a strong border is a good thing but they still refuse a wall. Too hung up on the language, the word "wall".

>To quote Scott Adams, "Why not adjust the language?"

<Dana Perino interjects "Steel slats"

>Steel slats sounds fantastic!

>Dems will still oppose by saying it's the wrong way to go about it. Need to address overstayed visas.

>You can have both, a strong border with a wall and still address the overstayed visas.

>Arguments are emotionally flawed and pigheaded. Everyone wants the same thing but no one will give in.


<Juan Williams

>If no deal is made and a shut down happens 800k federal workers affected

>47% won't show up for work and the rest won't get paid until the gov reopens–but will get back pay.

>Then there's federal contractors…

>What's the reaction going to be?


<Jedediah Bila

>From the right, people got neverous when POTUS waivered.

>Regardless POTUS got what he needed. He's willing to go through a shutdown

>It's not an armageddon and that things will still be working

>I notice Chuck Schumer saying that Trump isn't going to get HIS wall, like it's for POTUS personally.

>Wall is SO much more: security for the American people, addressing the humanitarian crisis at the border, resources for agents..

>The idea Schumer has that he isn't going to give the money for the wall to spite POTUS is actually spiteful against the American people and those incentivized to undertake the journey and to try and cross under horrific conditions…

>Dems need to reflect on what they are actually saying when the oppose the wall

>Dems are actually opposing national security and stopping the trafficking at the border



Anonymous ID: cf14d2 Dec. 22, 2018, 3:35 a.m. No.4422875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2907

continued from >>4422870


<Juan Williams

>But Jedediah… POTUS said Mexico was going to pay for the wall…


<Jedidiah Bila

>I think Trump shouldn't have gone on record saying Mexico was paying for the wall but the bottom line is there are people opening GoFundMe's to support the wall since the government isn't doing it.

–anons know better re:Mexico paying for the wall via USMCA

>That's ridiculous! Government's primary purpose is to ensure the safety of the people and that means border security.


<Juan Williams

>One final question because Jesse brings up a potential valid exit strategy by going the veto route.

>At least he could say he tried to get something done with these Democrats.

>At least POTUS can say that he is willing to shutdown because of these Democrats.

>At least Rush, Drudge, Brietbart, and the like can say POTUS tried to work with these Democrats.


<Jesse Watters

>POTUS should go all out and push for McConnell to end the filibuster in the Senate.

>Go nuclear or nothing.


<Greg Gutfeld

>Watching politicians debate is pointless because there is no expertise.

>Introduce experts and find out what is needed and figure up a budget and go from there instead of starting with a price first.


<Dana Perino

>I don't know but I want to point out something that got buried yesterday that POTUS was able to accomplish that is quite impressive.

>Sec. of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen was able to come to an agreement with Mexico to house asylum seekers while they are processed, effectively ending catch and release.

>Migrants cross the border and start the process then return to Mexico to await a determination.

>YUGE victory.

>Lets people know that they're not just waiting for the money, they are actively working on change.


<Juan Williams

>Interesting Supreme Court ruling saying there can be no cap on the amount of asylum claims thanks to Roberts voting against POTUS, what are your thoughts Jedidiah?


<Jedidiah Bila

>It's interesting but I want to point out that the $5B figure isn't pulled out of thin air. There's a reason to it. POTUS has been talking with border agents and they've been telling him what they need. He's been listening. These numbers exist for a reason and that's because they've been working with agents; it's not arbitrarily up to Schumer, or POTUS, to determine what is needed. They're not involved in day-to-day operations.


Some interesting points raised. Especially the accomplishment by Sec. Nielsen.




Anonymous ID: cf14d2 Dec. 22, 2018, 3:43 a.m. No.4422907   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Jedidiah Bila, "Wall is SO much more"


Reminds me of Q1009, which responds to 1008.


Troops to Border.

Clown Black Ops.

Private funds.

Raised how?

Troops @ Border does what?


To who?

D's involved.

MS_13/Illegals road block.

Sex traffic road block.

Children road block.

Drugs road block.

Guns road block.

China/Russia pass-through-intel-pull road block.

Name we don't say AZ road block.

Jeff Flake AZ road block.

Big money TERMINATE.

The WALL means more than you know.

The FIGHT for the WALL is for so much more.
