every bread? is there a point? FE losing its allure? wtf?
so many low IQ shills
stop being such a bibi
indeed. watched the "debate" - hours of standing around, shootin the shit. no hurries, no worriesโฆ
POTUS cancelled a trip to Florida, and signed other bills. let's see how (((they))) spin it, Chuckie style. it did not make sense to this impatientfag. and why did DiFi & end the fed Jr. not vote?
you are conflating xmas w/ veteran's day. any particular reason? or point? only biblefag vets get your respect?
not my enemy. just another filtered biblefag. you DO know there is a separate thread for you ppl?
thanks for the explanation. still do not understand the need to XMAS-ify every aspect of our society. the conflation is pretty deep.
Jesus' only authorized celebration is the Passover. Why is Christmas the #1? Why is it in December, and not on His birthday? Eggs & rabbits are fertility symbols. A tree is an idol. So is a cross. How npc does one have to be to not be able to apply scripture to one's "religion"?