Presidential digits Baker. Thank you.
That script does the following:
Filters all namefags and bots
Filters fake Qs and Yous
Highlights Qs Psts and your replies
Filters spammers @ 15 posts
Blacklist Button to permanently filter images
Birds Eye View Bar @ right (see your posts / replies / Q posts
Realtime post counter @ bottom right
You're welcome fren. Makes it much easier to read the breads when the shills and spammers are gone :)
Glad to be of help fren. Enjoy :)
If you've blacklisted images they remain perma-banned until you wipe your browser cache.
Find these lines and change them to suit you.
floodEnabled: true, floodThreshold: 14, // min # posts before beginning fade floodVanish: 15, // max # posts before completed fade/hide
You're welcome fren. Makes it so much easier on the eyes and brain kek!
You're most welcome fren.
These people had no intention of staying in the US once they destroyed it. They would just go home to Israel.