Thanks Anon!
Your theory is very useful for me to connected many of the piece of the BIG picture I am holding and can see better given your post.
My pieces are a lot digest- so the best place to start is with a few points/pointing.
The context for me has been developing/emerging in my world for literally 17 years. April 2001 in DC at the ReIgniting of America conference where my world blew open. I was introduced to Clare W. Graves work and Dr. Don E Beck. An extremely comprehensive map of humans system— an integration of biology, psychology and social- human systems. Clare wrote in 1974 a seminal article titled: Humans Prepare for a Momentous Leap.
From all my studies and practices, what I see is: We (humanity as a collective) are, in 2018, “breaking thru” as forward momentum of a Momentous Leap.
The Wheel, means to me, the wheel of Samara- or suffering. When we break the wheel ( and there is all kinds of meaning making to be gleaned from the Game of Throne mythology here) we enable those who are able, ready and willing to go our humanities next level of existence. It will require the access to and creative potential of of the quantum field. We are at a crossroads because not everybody is able, ready, willing. In fact, Graves 40 years ago speculated (with lots of knowledge) that perhaps 50% of humans would not make the Leap. I don’t about that—we’ll see.
I have also studied the work of Strauss and Howe’s generational theory about the 400 years of American history. Most were introduced this body work because Steve Bannon is significant proponent of the 4th Turning aspect of Strauss and Howe’s theory.
Here is how Strauss and Howe describe each turning:
The First Turning is High: an upbeat era of strengthening institutions and weakening individualism, when a new civic order implants and the old values regime decays. Last 1st Turning was 1946-1964- Next 1st Turn could begin 2020-24
The Second Turning is an Awakening: a passionate era of spiritual upheaval, when the civic order comes under attack from a new values regime. Last one: 1964-1984
The Third Turning is an Unraveling, a downcast era of strengthening individualism and weakening institutions, when the old civic order decays and the new values regime implants. Last one: 1984-2005ish
The Fourth Turning is a Crisis, a decisive era of secular upheaval when the values regime propels the replacement of the old civic order with a new one. Current Turn: 2005ish- 202?
I layout these 4 Turnings as the quadrants of the wheel.
Was it a coincidence that President Trump called this the STORM after reading this Strauss and Howe passage written in 1991 about the apex (precipice) of the 4th Turning.
"The Crisis climax is human history's equivalent to nature's raging typhoon, the kind that sucks all surrounding matter into a single swirl of ferocious energy. Anything not lashed down goes flying; anything standing in the way gets flattened. Normally occurring late in the Fourth Turning, the climax gathers energy from an accumulation of unmet needs, unpaid bills, and unresolved problems. It then spends that energy on an upheaval whose direction and dimension were beyond comprehension during the prior Unraveling era. The climax shakes a society to its roots, transforms its institutions, redirects its purposes, and marks its people (and its generations) for life. The climax can end in triumph, or tragedy, or some combination of both. Whatever the event and whatever the outcome, a society passes through a great gate of history, fundamentally altering the course of civilization."