Anonymous ID: 399f06 Dec. 22, 2018, 11:20 a.m. No.4426841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6895 >>7063 >>7521

US anti-ISIS coalition envoy quits amid apparent split in Trump admin over Syria pullout


Days after calling the idea of the defeat of Islamic State in Syria “reckless,” Brett McGurk, the American envoy to the US-led coalition, has resigned. AP says he did so in protest of Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of Syria.


The resignation, which is reportedly effective as of December 31, comes in wake of the high-profile quitting of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, also highly critical of the Syria pullout. While the idea is not laid out in the open, the general’s resignation letter contains hints that he wasn’t satisfied with the supposed lack of respect to US’ allies, of which he notably mentions NATO and the anti-Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) coalition. The ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis was also left unhappy with the not-tough-enough stance the Trump administration has on China and Russia.


McGurk has been the special presidential envoy to the anti-ISIS coalition since 2015, becoming one of the few Obama appointees to stay in office under Trump. He has openly supported a prolonged and indefinite stay of the US military in Syria. Last week, he stated that “it would be reckless if we were just to say, ‘Well, the physical caliphate is defeated, so we can just leave now.’”“I think anyone who’s looked at a conflict like this would agree with that,” he added.


Before Trump’s abrupt decision, McGurk was reportedly considering leaving his post in February. The recent developments, however, apparently forced him to do so immediately.


The news coincided with a fresh tweet from Trump – who previously boasted that “we have defeated ISIS in Syria.” He wrote that the terrorist group is “largely” defeated, and that other countries, such as Turkey, “should be able to easily take care of whatever remains.”


Addressing the criticism, Trump added that the US troops were originally “going to be there [in Syria] for three months.”


While Trump had already voiced his intent to withdraw US troops from the country, the actual announcement has caused an apparent split in his administration. The move was bemoaned by war hungry media and officials, who slammed it as a “gift” to Russia and Iran and an “Obama-like mistake.”

Anonymous ID: 399f06 Dec. 22, 2018, 11:23 a.m. No.4426890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6977 >>6989 >>7521 >>7564

Missouri - Pedophile Given 265 Years For Brutally Molesting 1-year-old Boy


Those people walking among us who are capable of harming innocent children are the lowest of the low and when it comes to punishing them they are often among those to receive the highest penalties, even higher than many murderers. That is the reality that a 28-year-old man from Kansas City has found himself in after he was caught sexually abusing an infant and making child pornography of the abuse.


Clay County Prosecuting Attorney Daniel White confirmed that 28-year-old Jayson Newlun was charged with multiple felonies stemming from the sexual abuse and production of child pornography. By the time police arrived at the residence where he was caught abusing an infant, the child's father had already used force to restrain him.


Newlun finally pleaded guilty on September 6 of this year to three counts of statutory sodomy and seven counts of sexual exploitation of a minor for making child pornography of the assaults. The judge threw the book at Newlun slamming him with life in prison for each of the sodomy counts and 25 years in prison for each of the sexual exploitation counts to be run consecutively.


Prosecuting Attorney Daniel While also explained that a life sentence is generally considered to be 30 years making the total sentence handed down by the judge 265 years in prison. Prosecutors pained a picture of the heinous sexual abuse that Newlun committed which occurred during a visit to the baby's parents' house on June 30, 2017.

Anonymous ID: 399f06 Dec. 22, 2018, 11:30 a.m. No.4426972   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7521

Greece: Massive increase of attacks on Christian symbols and Orthodox churches


Each year there are more attacks on churches, chapels, atypical places of religious worship, religious monuments, synagogues and even cemeteries, Greek newspaper Eleftheros Typos reports.


Specifically, according to the Greek Aggressional Secretariat of Religions, last year the attacks on religious buildings (includes vandalism, burglaries, thefts, sacrifices, fires, etc.) rose by 159 per cent, while the primary target appears to be the Orthodox Church.


A significant increase is also seen in the number of attacks to several religious communities, with four of them registered in 2016, whilst last year that number was eight.


The numbers speak for themselves. In 2017 a total of 556 incidents were recorded against place of religious worship, 536 of those attacks made in Christian places.


In particular, according to the relevant report of the General Secretariat of Religions, 525 cases against the Orthodox Church (94 per cent of the total incidents), many of which bear religious intolerance causing intense reflection within the Greek Church.


“Evidence shows that the primary target of the attacks in our homeland is the Orthodox Church. This fact can not be overlooked. We owe the State and the Church to seek ways of cooperation so that this profane reality that affects our history and identity is eliminated,” says Secretary General of Religions, Giorgos Kalantzis.


Greece has experienced an unprecedented wave of migrants from the Middle East, of which several are ISIS members and completely intolerable against people or symbols of other beliefs.


At the same time the leftish government seems unable (or unwilling) to to deal effectively with the Anarchist criminality in Greece, which is responsible for most of the attacks on Orthodox churches.

Anonymous ID: 399f06 Dec. 22, 2018, 11:31 a.m. No.4426987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7018 >>7043 >>7521

Putin Goads Anti-Brexiteers: ‘Someone Disliked the Result, so Repeat It over and over? Is this Democracy?’


Russian president Vladimir Putin goaded British anti-Brexiteers campaigning for a re-run of EU referendum at his annual press conference in Moscow, asking: “Is this democracy?”


The 66-year-old strongman’s marathon televised press conferences have taken on a carnival atmosphere as they have become something of a yearly tradition, with dozens of journalists in attendance, some wearing flamboyant outfits or carrying eye-catching signs to capture their host’s attention.


It was likely inevitable that he would make some statement on Brexit, having been fingered as the chief culprit behind the 2016 vote to Leave the European Union by conspiracy theorists such as Damian Collins, Ben Bradshaw, and Guardian/Observer journalist Carole “Codswallop” Cadwalladr, infamously described as a “mad cat woman” by BBC interrogator-in-chief Andrew Neil.


Some Remainers, such as neocon New Cold War author Edward Lucas, have even alluded to wild tales “floating round the shadowier corners of Whitehall” that Brexit campaign donations from businessman Arron Banks may have been provided by Putin in the form of precious stones, with the Leave.EU’s founder’s own diamond mines in South Africa and Lesotho being “clapped-out” front enterprises.


President Putin’s pronouncement on the anti-democratic nature of the anti-Brexiteers, when it came, seemed to be crafted with the intent of causing maximum aggravation, given his own less than permissive attitude to opposition politics.


“The referendum was held,” he stated bluntly. “What can [Prime Minister Theresa May] do? She has to fulfil the will of the people expressed in the referendum.”


Turning to the subject of the campaign for a so-called “People’s Vote”, which began life as a movement for a vote on the terms of Brexit but is now pushing openly for it to be overturned, he asked: “Was it not a referendum? Someone disliked the result, so repeat it over and over? Is this democracy? What then would be the point of the referendum in the first place and what is the sense of direct democracy?”


Naturally this incensed establishment Remainers such as former Labour foreign secretary David Miliband, who spluttered that it was “an insult to the United Kingdom that he should be lecturing us our democratic process” in a lengthy Twitter thread.

Anonymous ID: 399f06 Dec. 22, 2018, 11:37 a.m. No.4427046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7207

Canadian Study Gives More Evidence Cancer Is A Lifestyle Disease Largely Caused By Food


Cancer is a terrible, unwanted illness that affects far too many of the world’s population today. One of the scariest things about this deadly foe, however, is that doctors today attest to having little idea about what causes cancer cases. We’ve assumed that sunlight is the culprit, but also medications and sunscreens. We’ve accused certain jobs, specific fumes, and lifestyle choices, but a recent Canadian study sheds more light on the subject, suggesting that cancer actually is a lifestyle disease that is hugely influenced by the foods we eat. (1)

Current Cancer Facts


However shockingly, it’s believed that the worldwide cancer rate is only going to rise in future years. Some have predicted that by 2020, 1 out of every 2 women and 1 out of every 3 men will be diagnosed at some point in their lives with some form of cancer. Cancer is so incredibly common already that it’s more likely for someone to contract cancer than to get married or have a baby. These types of statistics are insane, especially considering the millions of dollars worth of research being poured into science and study meant to help combat cancer and reduce the disease in the future. (1, 2, 3, 4)


To make matters even worse, it appears that the cancer industrial complex is negligent at warning patients that chemotherapy, a treatment often used to fight and kill cancer, is currently understood to make some cancers spread and worsen, making certain tumors even more aggressive than they were before treatment. The government and other regulatory agencies have been working hard to access safe, natural, or otherwise alternative cancer treatments since chemotherapy has revealed itself to be such a deadly treatment, but all the while doctors and mainstream media are giving off the impression that cancer’s root cause is an utter and total mystery. (1, 5)


Even though many doctors strongly attest to the elusiveness of cancer, claiming not to understand it or its cause, the reality is that a person can significantly reduce their risk of getting cancer if they simply make a few lifestyle changes. According to a study that was published in Canada, the total proportion of cancer rates attributed directly to general lifestyle and environmental factors is exceptionally high. Per the study, 41% of cancer cases are due to lifestyle decisions or the environment, meaning that 41% of cancer cases could possibly be eliminated. (1, 6)

Anonymous ID: 399f06 Dec. 22, 2018, 11:39 a.m. No.4427062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7073 >>7095 >>7321

Democrat Financier GEORGE SOROS Found Guilty in France for Insider Trading


It’s been quite a week for Democrat financier George Soros.

Earlier in the week The Financial Times of Great Britain named Soros their man of the year for funding open borders fanatics and anti-Western causes around the globe.


And, now this…

George Soros was found guilty this week of insider trading in France.


He will be fined $2.3 million for his crime.


The New York Times reported:


After a 14-year investigation, a French court today convicted the American financier George Soros of insider trading and fined him 2.2 million euros ($2.3 million), the amount prosecutors said he had profited from the trading. Mr. Soros, who was not present in the courtroom, called the verdict unfounded and said he would appeal.


Mr. Soros, chairman and president of Soros Fund Management, is one of the world’s richest fund managers, and probably its most famous. He is best known for making huge and very successful speculative bets in currency markets, and for his extensive philanthropy, most notably in countries of Eastern Europe.


Prosecutors accused Mr. Soros of buying stakes in four formerly state-owned companies in France, including one of the country’s leading banks, Société Générale, for his Quantum Endowment Fund in 1988 based on confidential information. The stakes were worth a total of about $50 million at the time.

Anonymous ID: 399f06 Dec. 22, 2018, 12:02 p.m. No.4427285   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US to give Ukraine extra $10mn for naval buildup in response to Kerch Strait incident


The US will provide $10 million extra in military aid to help Ukraine beef up its naval capabilities, the State Department has announced, days after a Senate resolution called for such aid in response to the Kerch Strait incident.


Russia was ordered to "immediately return to Ukraine the seized vessels and detained Ukrainian crews" involved in last month's naval provocation and to allow Ukrainian ships to freely navigate the Kerch Strait and the Sea of Azov in Friday's statement from deputy State Department spokesperson Robert Palladino. The financial decision was made "in solidarity with" Lithuania and the UK, which also plan to step up their funding of the Ukrainian military, he added.


The State Department's announcement follows hints from Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council head Alexander Turchinov that the country might send more ships through the Kerch Strait soon, despite the tension. If Ukraine doesn't flex its muscles in the Azov, Turchinov told the BBC, Russia might "legitimize the occupation of Crimea."


Not wishing to lose three more ships, Turchinov invited NATO along for the ride this time, explaining "It would be very logical if NATO ships which we invited [to visit] the Azov Sea ports make sure that Russia complies with international law."


US senators introduced a resolution on Wednesday in support of the idea, calling for President Trump to retaliate against so-called "Russian aggression" by leading a "robust multinational freedom of navigation operation" in the Black Sea to counter "excessive Russian Federation claims of sovereignty." The resolution requested additional military assistance to Ukraine, a wish the State Department has granted in record time (subject to Congressional approval).


The resolution also calls for the cancellation of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and the imposition of yet more sanctions on Russia, even requesting European countries deny Russian Navy ships access to their ports for refueling and resupply purposes.