Always be prepared.
You never know when your preps will turn out to be essential provide life support for yourself, your family or frens.
Always be prepared.
You never know when your preps will turn out to be essential provide life support for yourself, your family or frens.
>>4427629 Guterman is a venomous whack job. When the truth comes out, he and his fellow losers will see that DJT smoked the Hag by plenty in the popular vote as well as in the Electoral College. Guess what? It won't make any difference to sickly irrational people.
>>4428134 What a pencil neck…in fact pencil everything. Weak body, weak mind & weak ethics…..but none of that matters when you are a selected chump of the machine. He ought to do Harvard real proud.
Correct. Well, some of them do play harps & sing too.