Anonymous ID: fc7f54 Dec. 22, 2018, 12:46 p.m. No.4427819   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why did obama do this? Why did obama do that? Why did obama and his cronies scheme?


Why indeed. Social engeneering is required, do to the nature of humans. Habit creatures. In truth habit and familairity is what constitutes right and wrong.


However, in order to fool people you need to do it over time. Obama grinded the populace with purposeful outrage. Almost to the point of forcing people to take notice. Time passes and in comes trump to engage in the complete opposite of obama, thus garnering a loyal voting base that are hungry and foaming at the mouth. Slam dunk win.


All the villians are used as bait to distract. I feel the need to give tremendous detail, to fill in all the flora and fana, the missed details. However i think this has become a mob mentality and their is no stopping it. At the bill cooper point, "i keep saying it but im coming over to the deep states way of thinking. These people wont use their minds. There hard drives have been corrupted."


Everyone, cnn, fox, Q, and every single form of information distribution are on the same side, whether they know it or not.


Q, its odd to see my plot points, almost feels like watching my child grow up. My little monster of chaos.