<<Con man
Your slander betrays your knowledge, shillanon. Which also resolves your motive.
<<Con man
Your slander betrays your knowledge, shillanon. Which also resolves your motive.
Anon, the news is fake.
That isn't to say that they are making up everything, but that they are going to report a certain narrative, and that is that Trump is heavily embattled, on the verge of being impeached, etc. You remember Baghdad Bob from 2003?
In retrospect, he was probably fake as a tinder selfie, but same concept. At the very least, the news is designed to be worded with sensationalism and drama. Usually they have a specific direction they want it to point, and they will probably make stuff up for garnish. If not the main course.
Most of what is going on in DC is under seal of courts. The media has no fucking clue what is going on (other than it is bad for them) and leaks are designed/created to benefit the cabal's objectives.
This is the way they have always played this game. They are not going to report the facts, they are going to report rumor and sensationalism. When they can find something that can be used as evidence for their narrative, they'll latch onto it.
Consider, anons still are learning that Mueller is fully on our side. His role is to put people on trial who can then have evidence subpoenaed from classified records (as well as other stuff). That all looks like he is going after Trump - but facts matter.
It's possible I am wrong - but the point is that the assertions by the media have turned up very wrong and contradictory. They have no real insight into what is transpiring and are trying to project control… That they simply don't have in the first place.