They have mommy issues and cant handle the truth and facts.
Have you seen the video I think is is SB about what the kids were spelling in the classroom prior to when W was told about the 9/11 attack?
The teacher was having them spell Kite, Hit, Plane,Steel, Must, Just look up the video of that day and watch as they spell these words a minute before he is told.
Yah think? Did you find it? I saw that video you posted earlier today. Sent it to all my friends. I honestly think it is about spot on. W did not look very composed and you know damn well he was well prepared for his fathers death. The old bastard was over 90. He was upset about something else. The other one I saw today kind of upset me too. I did not know the Pence's were so tight with Hillary. Watch the funeral again, and watch how she pops out of her chair and they have a nice conversation, ALL smiles. And the Pence's got a envelope to. Makes me wonder????>>4435017 this is the classroom one.
go to 2 min 20 sec and watch this
I saw that reported earlier. Now the DHS has 45 more days to review the DNIs report and to file their own report. I am thinking that DHS may have all the evidence. Since they were doing the actual leg work.