lens flare
sure looks that way.
A sharing.
Martin Luther King Jr. One of the greatest men produced by this country; this world. Not a perfect man. That's the point (who is?). His fundamental msg was that we're all individuals. That what we look like matters not at all in comparison to what we are on the inside. What we think. What we feel. What we STAND for. What are we willing to sacrifice for? The Natural World Order? Or the New World Order? We're all Earthlings here regardless of outward appearance. STANDing for each other is Natural. This New thing has been trying to smother us all for long enough.
A farm boy from a desert planet.
A farm girl from Kansas.
A couple tin men.
A couple furry monsters.
A couple magical advisers.
A couple charming idiots.
What do they have in common? They found themselves in a world not of their making. Faced with a choice. Bury their heads and pretend that the world was lacking the WRONG, or STAND and do what little they could.
They chose to STAND. They chose to be the Heroes of their own Story. To put what little weight they had onto the back of the WRONG; trying to drag it down. A grain of sand is little; light; almost nothing. Those grains add up, though. Don't want a beach to fall on ones head, yeah?
What if the fate of the World rested on the decisions that each of us make? What if the fate of every single person living and yet to live rested on the decisions made now. Today. Will/Can one STAND?
It's hard grained into our biology to be discriminating; based on looks. Tall/short. Skinny/fat. Hairy/not. Black/white. Male/female. For the purpose of reproduction. Can't have kids with a tree…no goat fucker is going to pass his genes down that way…
Does it matter what one looks like for the purpose of friendship? For partnership in the fight for FREEDOM? Of course not. "WWG1WGA" isn't just some slick marketing slogan. We're all in this together. Rise or Fall TOGETHER.
If Santa looked like Krampus, would we send those gifts back? Not the kids in this house…
If the battle buddy in the foxhole next to (you) was a spaghetti monster, would we refuse their help? Not anyone with a brain in their head… It's all about what one is willing to STAND for; SACRIFICE for.
What if…Our Freedom, our Lives, our CHILDREN depended on being better than we've been? What if we have a Choice to make? What if…the President can't move onto the next step Until. Until one were to STAND. We are each that ONE. The fate of the world. It's up to (you).
Many are capable. Which Ones will?
STAND. Be the Hero of your own story.
What's in a name, My'Anon?
Be Worthy.
damn fren