What I haven't seen is any talk of RBG vote on Friday 12/21/18 that stops the Potus admin's new asylum law and defers to CA liberal judges ridiculous ruling.
Something doesn't 'feel' right about this, like a pebble in a shoe.
Question is: has anyone in the WH thought to send this RBG [day of surgery] vote/ruling to a medical expert to review if her vote on the ruling is VALID?
Did anyone assess her condition to see if she was clearly thinking?
If she was under medication- sedation or pain relief that would alter her perception or judgment, would that not nullify or void her vote?
Pre or post surgery, patients are stressed, facing many distractions (pre op instructions, consents, interviews/assessment etc, recovery issues, and either in pain or sedated.
HOW can her participation be considered appropriate considering the circumstances and shouldn't it be challenged at the very least for several reasons to long to discuss here?
Lawfags? Medical fags? I think its worth a review under an experts eye before submission to a lower court's inane ruling.