Backup Baker standing by
Ayy, Baker, I've got some holidays so I'm finally able to bake again. Call me when you need a handoff
Backup Baker standing by
Ayy, Baker, I've got some holidays so I'm finally able to bake again. Call me when you need a handoff
>>4435263 The FED is fucking POTUS
>>4435312 Donald Trump: I Gave Jim Mattis A Second Chance after Barack Obama Fired Him
>>4435388 17 current investigation into POTUS
>>4435594 Papadopolous tweet on Israel
(Baker Change)
>>4435778 Government Shutdown doesn't stop Government Investigation: Mueller continues research
>>4435756 Flashback: Widow Mary Bono took over Sonny Bono's Office after a skiiing accident
>>4435876 Dark Pools: Banking Syndicate secretely swapping below the radar
>>4435886 Yellow Vests Pop-Up in Israel
>>4435927 New Perspective on Khashoggi Case
>>4435942 CEMEX & Laura Bush El Carmen protection bid
Neืt breืd