>what's the time on the articles?
>Heading up to the mountains and ill spend it in the woods by myself.
That actually sounds very nice
If you read the article from the Daily Beast / ALL of it/
it becomes clear that one person is just outrightlying as what she says is patently false
[that Q writes pages and pages of Bible verses]
The other points in the article are crafted to keep new people from even looking at Q for fear of alienation
The article is very psychologically manipulative and well written in regards to likening Q / QAnons to a cult
I believe the "author" may have had help in crafting such a manipulative article / perhaps from clown behavioral analysts
>Really? And you can prove Q is not larping how?
Too many people are already awake
Trying to scare off new people just won't be an effective tactic for you
>The Truth is the Truth. It does not change
I believe that to be so
>Like it or not Frank is running this Larp.
>Go readโฆ. give me the courtesy of at least reading his past larps and you will see the patterns clear as day.
No thanks / I owe you nothing
As I said / this new tactic won't work in dissuading anons
That's what happens when people are awake / they think for themselves