He is glowing C_ANigger/Division(((Shill))). Have a bingocard for next bread.
Kek. We good then. I like that strip card you posted. Saved!
Also here's the latest update of the bingo card
Do I need to add the "Pretending to be a femmefag" slide to my bingo card?
Not to mention a giant fukkin slide of this already shilly bread.
<{2bd057} Postcount(24) and rising.
Is this more accurate?
Kek! I have to say I can't remember when I saw a shill this bad. Don't they even get basic training anymore?
Here anon. Best I could do for you on short notice.
I know it's nightshift but indeed. If the ~75 are from fellow shills they really are panicky.
Calm your tits anon, I rarely filter and some of the responses were funny. I didn't bother to look deeper into who was posting was, it was the sheer numerical volume that made me wonder. That was all. Love you fren. no hom
I was told she loves this pic.
Kek. No worries, we cool fren. But thanks for letting anon know. o7
Kek. Night shift is truely best shift! 8)
Marry Christmas and love to you too Ausanon. But that may be for you to decide, kek
No worries, still wish you the same merry Christmas and love, Canuckanon!
Appreciate it! And I remember that day. Lots of awesome pics, even one by BO. Good times.
Gonna sign off frens. Have a good one, see y'all next shift!