LOTS if interconnecting topics last bread (5656 and all posts are from that bread) and might need to be condensed and organized into a graphic but anons know Q confirmed aliens when he said it's the highest classification and that the truth would put 99% in the hospital… did anons stumble on some of the truth tonight? Trying not to sound shilly or like a slide…
>Idea about Ages of the Zodiac and the ties to symbolism and creation/expansion of the Cabal
>Further a few points on the ages and the transition to the new age, Age of Aquarius (watch the water?)
Pointing out my own posts, I know but these later anons that bring in the off-world Nommo/Dagon stuff is interesting considering the time frame and establishment of some of the cultures and their histories and legends.
>Nommo = Dagon = Catholic Church
Dagon IS another name for Moloch and Ball and Saturn
But that Anon spurred this response
>Cliff High’s new video, subaquatic hyprid aliens at war with us (watch the water)
Which this anon pointed out the connection
>This would also explain all the "Watch the Water" talk…..these creatures would need more than their fair share of it, wouldn't they..
Anons follow some thought that leads to this anon post
>Off-world visitors were thought of as gods and the children made with humans became rulers
Which caused this anons response
>Astrological signs associated with "gods" from off-world, religion created to keep the masses stupid and under control
Which leads to this anon bringing up the book, The Montauk Project
>time travelers from Sirius known as the Sirians…(pic related)
Q said that we wouldn't believe who was communicating with us, what if Q is an off-world entity?