grandma anon here, just waiting for the sun to rise so I can get to cleaning -I will have a house full 10 guests .. nope not lonely. Love you all (no homo) Merry Christmas
It's just a few things to wrap and set under the tree, and I want them to enjoy Christmas at Grandma's. Building memories.
Thank you! Shadilay to you and yours as well.
in a moment of trying to have fun with you anons, I received an important reminder of why we're all here. I did a google search for grandma boobs as a joke… and stumbled across this child. Pray for the children. Not only for their release, but for their recovery from their trauma's. Pray for Admiral Mike Rogers, Pray for President Donald J. Trump. Pray for Jeff Sessions, even if you do not trust him. Pray for all of this, everysingleday.
Not for nothing, but do you really believe that they're going to tell us where POTUS will be located in any way, shape, or form?
Do not isolate yourself right now. Keep doing the next right thing.