planes from German Navy and Govt of Morocco(?) over northeast
Hollywood Exorcist
Megan Duffy met Rachel Stavis at a bar for a mutual friend's birthday party and they started talking.
'At some point we went outside and I was a glass and half of wine in and she said, 'I don't want to alarm you but you have an entity that's attached itself to you and it's holding you back from the things you want to do'.
'At first I thought she was joking, it was a lot of friends who work in the horror film industry. But she told me more about what she did and offered to do a session with me.
'I was like, "is my head gonna spin, am I gonna puke green, what's going to happen?"
more like she's putting them into people
The family behind America’s opioid crisis: New York and London socialites who developed OxyContin made BILLIONS off of the drug’s skyrocketing sales despite claims of false advertising that labelled it as LESS addictive than other painkillers
Purdue Pharmaceuticals, the company responsible for the creation of the powerful opioid OxyContin, was created and owned by the Sackler family
The company allegedly advertised OxyContin as a safe drug that was unlikely to be habit-forming, but is now known to be incredibly addictive
The Sackler family made billions of dollars from the sale of OxyContin, and Purdue Pharmaceuticals is valued at at least $13 billion as of 2016