>>388211 What [3] scientists were killed who were researching the SAT relay of mobile phone signals to end users? Why was the research deemed CLASSIFIED? Learn. Q
Why is everything made in China?
OK Ive been having a poke around the 3 dead scientists (this has actually taken ages as I have been finding new things as I compile this post), a helpful anon from the qresearch bread suggested I turn my digital shovel towards Shane Todd and I did and I am emerging from my relatively deep hole to post this. To be honest the death links are thin … anorexic, but wether Q related or not there is something here. Anything with (research) I think warrants a bit more digging …
I do think Shane Todd has to be one of them - based on the research of what he was researching … this is a deep dig with wild speculations…
Easiest read of the prologue is here if you are new to Shane Todd, the last 2 should be read even if you think you know this story ..
https:// wikileaks.org/hackingteam/emails/emailid/684282 ← Mainly from the family
http:// ig-legacy.ft.com/content/afbddb44-7640-11e2-8eb6-00144feabdc0#axzz581jmeZ7H ←Reported in the FT
http:// docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/213194_4fd815fd64b18f71e7d1c314234b5b89.pdf ← Fathers stement in pdf with attachements (archive)
http:// www.justice4shanetodd.com/coroners-inquest ← Lots of info and supporting docs
^Dont skip it read it - or at least come back to it
Really could do with some sci/elec-eng anons to explain some of this better than I am about to but I hope will give us a few more threads to pull on .. bear with me
Dr. Shane Truman Todd [ST] (sloopjb80) (gus2mt@gmail.com) (shanetodd80@gmail.com) - Apparent suicide, hanging
Last day of work 22nd June 2012
Last seen 23rd June 2012
Body found 24th June 2012 (Spottiswoods Park Apartments, Singapore)
Singapore, Huawei, IME, GaN, Veeco, MOCVD, Nuvotronics
Colleagues : Dr Patrick Lo Guo-Qiang (Boss), Dr Susai Lawrence Selvara, Dr Wang Weizhu, (Dr?) Julius Tsai Ming Lin, (Dr?) Qihua Xiong, ED?, Rajan, Ravinder, Daniel, Haifeng, Yuan Li, Zuchui Chen, Yong Zhong, Zhou Zin (NTU) Yong Jium, Marcus (research), Naxin Zhang, Ivan, Neil MacDonald (CNF), Robert York, Romen Cabillio, Luis Alejandro Andia Montes (Luis) (returned to France, Paris sometime in early Aptil 2013),
Related ppl : Traci Goins (American Emabassy), IO (Investigating Officer?) Muhammad Khaldun Sarif (Muhammad_Khaldun_sarif@spf.gov.sg) , Kate de Gastyne (Manager of Contracting and Bids and Proposals Nuvotronics Inc), David Cummings (Umiv of Glasgow), David Adelman (United States Ambassador to the Republic of Singapore from 2010 to 2013), Edward Adelstein (Edward.Adelstein@va.gov), Michael William Goodwin (ST's neighbour), Ali Gilles Tchenguise Miserez, Bart Richard Lendrum, Alexander Fang (CEO Aurrion - Univeristy of Cali together)
Mentioned compaines : Rolls Royce, JVC, SAES, Azzuro (research) (now Allos.. http:// www.allos-semiconductors.com/azzurro/), EV6 Austria ?, Silvaco (research) (smartspice https:// www.silvaco.com/products/analog_mixed_signal/smartspice.html), TriQuint Semiconductor (research), Cree Inc (research .. ITAR pic), GlobalFoundries (research), Johnson Matthey, The MEMS Consortium III (research companies .. who is the 'electronics company' Huawei/Fujitsu?)
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