So where exactly is the other board where all the old fags went? They left me behind.
Got links?
IDK but I am amazed by the number of soulless heathens in this world.
Well all I can tell you is the insects, especially stink bugs, mosquitoes, midges, and moths are proliferating in the Northeast woods. Fortunately, frogs are aplenty, too.
They nest in the attic. Get a sulphur pot and burn some sulphur pellets. (Be careful – VERY hot.) Your house will smell like rotten eggs for a time but buh bye stink bugs. Mice, too. Most of the nuisance bugs are Asian invasives, btw, including those lady bugs you found on your window sill.
Nice work, Anon. If memory serves me correctly, Lehigh had awarded Trump an honorary degree and then tried to take it away when he became POTUS. Don't remember if they did or not, but it created an uproar at the time.