Anonymous ID: 5a4129 Jan. 5, 2019, 12:47 p.m. No.4613107   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Kulturmarxisten und Satanisten, dass die Rothschilds, Warburgs und der Großteil PedoWoods sich als Juden ausgeben, ist ne weitere Maske hinter der sie ihre wahre, kranke Agenda verbergen.


Wobei es natürlich sein kann, dass viele aus der Gegend kommen, da die satanistischen Bräuche ja auch historisch in der Gegend (Naher Osten- Nimrod, Babel, Ägypter, etc..) angesiedelt waren - aber halt heidnisch/satanisch sind und nichts mit Thora/Bibel zu tun haben.

Anonymous ID: 5a4129 Jan. 5, 2019, 12:51 p.m. No.4613184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3191 >>3885 >>6493 >>8011 >>2069


Für alle, die sich in das Thema einarbeiten wollen:

hier ne Sammlung die mal im Awakening-subreddit war:


A few days ago Sara Ashcrafts accusations against Hollywood-actor Tom Hanks gained attention ..


IsaacKappy posted a few Vids, where he calls out the elite: ( starts ~5:05)

also leaked detailed information over 8chan !!

READ THIS !!!!^^


Kappy announced a move to twitch @~17:xx 29.07.2018 - disregarded the attempt later ( i´ll update the collection if he got a stream up.

++30.07.18: Kappy is back on twitch; first testruns:


Kappy gave an Interview on Lift the Veil - - Kappy: "There is no stopping us anymore" - More are coming out !! This is getting BIG ! (more of lift the veil -scroll down ;) )

Ashcraft is gaining a lot support on Twitter -,, and others with a high reach started to follow her on Twitter;

>15.000+ new followers in just 2 days.. Her #SayBraveThings -movement is gaining momentum.


After Q announced he got the back of those courageous enough to speak out, more victims are steping out of the shadow !


Look, what we found here.. Remember Spirit-cooking, Chicken to Moloch and other creepy stuff from the emails ? Nice map of events..

Found on:


More Q drops exposing child-abuse and calling out "sick people!" ! seems to be a global network - is that what is POTUS taking so long to take them out (30.07.2018) look up #1762 , #1763

links shared: from Q: Australian bishop convicted of sex abuse cover-up resigns After decades of silence, nuns talk about abuse by priests

.. and others - everything pointing to child-abuse. Seems to be the backbone of the Power-Structure and by far the best way to controll a puppet.


"Russian President Vladimir Putin has spoken out against the epidemic of pedophile networks that have taken over the United States, UK, and other Western nations. Despite his recent successful unity with President Trump, he remains firm on his original stance that culture in the West is being manipulated by "Satanic pedophiles". YT-Video wit putin speach:

Read more at:


Sky-Report: "Former child actors reveal sexual abuse in Hollywood"

Nathan Forres Winters ( and Todd Bridges ( calling out Hollywood abuse..


USAToday Interview with Bridges :

"It's bigger than what you really think it is," he explained. "You think it's just your little small section. No, it's bigger.”

Full report:


"Dozens of Disney workers arrested in 'To Catch A Predator'-style child sex stings"

Full Report on:


  • "30 Dirty Secrets Hidden In Cartoons" :

  • Youtuber askin: "Disney Why are there Pedophile Symbols on your Cartoon?"


"An Ottawa artist who helped animate children’s TV shows has been sentenced to 28 months in prison"

"Police found 60,165 pictures — many of them duplicates — along with 1,626 videos, some of which depicted adults engaging in sexual behaviours with children. In some of the images, young girls had their hands and feet bound." (Where do those ppl get the pics and vids from ? is there a network ?)

Anonymous ID: 5a4129 Jan. 5, 2019, 12:52 p.m. No.4613191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3205 >>3885 >>6493 >>8011 >>2069



Documentary "An Open Secret" scratches the surface and talks with victims. ( rel. 11/2014 )

StormIsUponUs (YT-Channel with ~1 Mio. views on "Q The Plan.." video, that he postet with subtitels) is calling out Hanks, Spielberg and other HollyWood pedos. ( YT- Q-The plan… (Rober DeNiro called out by the punit..)… James Gunn, Roiland, Harmon.. the list is geting longer.


more on Dan Schneider: Autor asking: "Why Hasn’t Dan Schneider Had His #MeToo Moment?"

and again mentions to " gossip site Crazy Days and Nights".. (this one is refered to quite a lot)

LIZCrokin wrote today:

"I’ve had many uplifting conversations w good people in the mainstream media ready to expose these sick elite pedophiles! We’re not scared anymore. And by the way, if you kill us now it won’t even matter. You have a sealed indictment with your mofu NAME on it!"

^^ lots of informations on what´s going on in the "industrie" on her twitter - take a look !

YouTubers are pushing the topic: (Isaac Kappy's Hollywood Friends #PedoWood #Pedogate #QAnon)

Lift the Veil is going to a lot of topics - check out his channel

+ << LtV Livestream with listener-interview. Ppl starting to look into the topic.

+ LtV on twitch


Bill Smith is back =)

( PEDO ALERT: Justin Roiland WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT (Dan Harmon's Co-Creator).. Sick :/

-more Bill Smith on an other platform: Justin Roiland CHILD PORN Bought! Adina Pitt @CartoonNetwork

Check him out - he talks a lot on that topic


Meanwihile older YT-Videos, claiming abuse and strange behaviour in PedoWood, are shared more frequently..

ppl gaining attention and start to doubt the film industry. ( Pedophiles Rule the World ) Elsagate, PizzaGate, Elites exposing themselves (dusturbing) (The Dark Side of Steven Spielberg & Hollywood) (CPS CORRUPTION AND PIZZAGATE DOCUMENTARY ) Hanks and Smith Report on Dan Schneider ( NlCKELODEON'S DlRTY LlTTLE "SECRET".. ) (Isaac Kappy, Seth Green, Justin Roiland, DanHarmon, Sarah Silverman, James Gunn, Tom Hanks )


"Crazy Homeless Man Claims Tom Hanks is Child Molester ?!" … Video from 2011 - Homeless man calling out names (not saying he is credible, but i know homeles ppl hear a lot of shit ..)

And don´t forget the Bronfman arrest

Father was CEO of - big connections to:




Universal Studios

Universal Music Group

The Coca-Cola Company


Comcast Family seems to be strong in the music + film industrie..

We need to push informations. Wake up as much ppl as you can, so we can finaly demand an investigation and get those childf*** exposed ! Not saying anyone of the names dropped is guilty, but there is defenetly wierd shit going on.

Anonymous ID: 5a4129 Jan. 5, 2019, 12:52 p.m. No.4613205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3255 >>3885 >>6493 >>8011 >>2069



!!!! *EDIT 28.07.18 / 5:30 CET !!!! Updates on possible Bronfman-connection !!!

Ben Szemkus lifted the lid of the Clintons' connection to the child sex cult NXIVM, while also exposing Huma Abedin, Eric Schneiderman, Stormy Daniels and Anthony Weiner as members of the infamous sex slavery network. Earlier this week, major Hillary Clinton donor and heiress to the Seagram Co. fortune Clare Bronfman was among four arrested as part of a major child sex trafficking bust who prosecutors say operated as a "secretive cult."Read more at: r/© Neon Nettle


Nice vid going deeper into Bronfman connections


Look up again. Universal + Warner.. Key-Person in the industry since 15 years.

Did he knew whats going on ? Dig deeper.. !

His son worked with JayZ and West on the Song (Music-video .. care distrubing.. ) JayZ ist long known for his Symbolism… lets go deeper in the rabbit-hole..


TWP links Video with alleged Podesta-Leak (care.. disturbing !!!..) (from 2017.. still up ?!)

" CLEAR LAKE, Iowa- It’s a scary statistic, 48 people have gone missing in the state of Iowa in the last 10 days. "

.. mostly under 18. Seemy the Cabal gone out of stock for fresh meat .. Bloodmoon coming. THIS NEEDS TO STOP!

As #SayBraveThings gets bigger, more victims are coming forward. Give them a voice and a chance for a fair investigation.


Informational UPDATE

"In 2017 alone, 4,311 juveniles were reported missing to The Missing Person Information Clearinghouse. "This is an average of approximately 12 juveniles a day," the agency said in a press release. "The vast majority of which are found or returned home within 24 hours."

The department said many, if not most, of the cases involve runaway situations.

"The number of missing juveniles reported in recent weeks is in line with historical numbers," the agency added.

-Not so sure about you, but 12/day seems a awful lot.. "vast majority.. many, most".. Why don´t they give a % or a number of returned/found for 2017 to give a relation ?

+ ..there is some strange stuff going on in Iowa ( JOHNNY GOSCH doku)


"According to the Missing Person database published by the Iowa Department of Public Safety, 48 people have gone missing in the last two weeks, and 34 of those people are children. " More ppl looking into Iowa !

Pa. Supreme Court: Release redacted report that names more than 300 'predator priests'"… the more than 800-page document, which chronicles decades’ worth of allegations of abuse and cover-ups in six of the state’s eight Catholic dioceses."-How could this go on for so long ? Who protected the predators and why ?


Remember Cosby ..

Weinstein .. (open secret ?)

Jimmy Savile .. (did it while the camera was on him..)

Kevin Specey .. (Timeline of Events)

Let´s get the massage out and push for justice !

First german reporter (Olvier Janich) digging into it ! shits about to spred..

Stay save and #TrustThePlan #WeTrustInGod

New developments - Q calls out moonves ! #1735 (

Neonrevolt adds:

"What’s huge about this new story coming out is that 1) it’s by Ronan Farrow, the guy who exposed Harvey Weinstein, and 2) this could (and should!) go all the way back to Sumner Redstone.

It’s no coincidence that Shari Redstone is calling for a “full and thorough investigation” into Moonves:"

full report: << great guy !! read his stuff !

Anonymous ID: 5a4129 Jan. 5, 2019, 12:55 p.m. No.4613255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3885 >>6493 >>8011 >>2069



Who is Moonves:Leslie Roy Moonves (/ˈmuːnvɛz/; born October 6, 1949) is an American media executive. (CBS)

" Moonves had upper management experience early in his business career. He was in charge of first-run syndication and pay/cable programming at 20th Century Fox Television. Also at 20th Century Fox Television he was vice president of movies and mini-series. Other positions included vice president of Development at Saul Ilson Productions (in association with Columbia Pictures Television) and development executive for Catalina Productions "


Detailed look on the Moonves

"CBS Face Allegations of Sexual Misconduct"

-Six women accuse the C.E.O. of harassment and intimidation, and dozens more describe abuse at his company. By Ronan Farrow


"Charlie Rose fired by CBS, PBS and Bloomberg over sexual misconduct allegations" 11/2017

Q backed the PedoWood-Wistleblowers ! So i guess there will be more to speak out.

CARE !! Don´t accuse ANYONE without prove or at least reasonable doubt !

We should stay in it for the truth and not start a witchhunt.


We got a bigger network going as it seems.. Some banks are possible in the game..

Ex-Banker Claims He Was Invited to Take Part in Child Sacrifice Rituals (Full video: lot of details on how they operate.. Follow the money ! )

Infowars report on the topic:


Why are so many bankers committing suicide ?! (NYP 2016.. )


Article from 2014 listing 71 TOP Bankers dead - mostly with no natural causes .. Didnt know that banking was so dangerous.

Big names in this one - why did so many die ? coincidence ?


Another list - Update March/April 2018 - on dead bankers.. Who owns the banks ? who is on top of that structres ?


"The Watergate break-in was strictly based on one thing – the pedophile records that were being kept at the Democratic National Headquarters.– James Rothstein, NYPD, Retired"

The democrats seems quite protective of those pedophiles - even back than.. WHY ?!

-Rothstein didn´t stop his fight back than.. he´s still on it =) ! (Phone-Interview with Rothstein recordet Dez16. - worth a listen ! Talks about the pedophile-ring around Jonny Gash


"Can We Trust Child Service Agencies In America or Have They Been Compromised??


"Adult Swim's 'Rick and Morty' Co-Creator Depicts Children Being Raped, Tortured, and Killed" PJ-Media dives into the issue !

+ (James Gunn issue)


Robbin Young futher confirms Kappys accusations towards Spielberg in a recent Tweet:

NeonRevolts full report: !!!


Report from March 27, 2017:

"Hillary Clinton ‘Covered Up’ Pedophile Ring At State Department" More elite pedophile-ring-cover-ups.. What happend to that investigation ?


looking more into it i fell over

"In September 2002, Epstein flew Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey and Chris Tucker " .. What happened to the Lollita-Island-Accusations against Bill ?

  • Fox-Report on the Flight-issue:

  • Latest news on lolita island wrote about a fire that broke out ( April 13, 2018 - Fire Breaks Out On Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Island )


Former FBI Chief exposes CIA and FBI crimes - Ted Gunderson - 2002

Isaiah 29:15-16

Leviticus 20:20