James Mattis resignation is ‘terrible’, Dutch defence minister says
James Mattis resignation is ‘terrible’, Dutch defence minister says
Hundreds of birds have fallen from the sky in The Hague, the
Netherlands, during a 5G experiment to see how large the range was
and whether the new wireless technology would cause any harm in the local area.
Source : https://www.sagaciousnewsnetwork.com/hundreds-of-birds-dead-during-5g-experiment-in-the-hague-netherlands
H.R. 7120, which extends for five years, through December 31, 2023, the authority of the Federal Election Commission to impose civil monetary penalties for violations of disclosure requirements;
S. 1311, the “Abolish Human Trafficking Act of 2017,” which reauthorizes the Domestic Trafficking Victims’ Fund through Fiscal Year (FY) 2021; authorizes appropriations through FY 2021 for the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Homeland Security for programs responding to severe forms of human trafficking; expands the Department of Justice’s grant program for State and local governments to provide services to victims of human trafficking; and amends Federal criminal law to modify penalties for certain offenses related to human trafficking;
S. 1312, which reauthorizes certain grants for programs that support victims of human trafficking;