Anonymous ID: 2571aa Dec. 23, 2018, 10:07 a.m. No.4439973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0097 >>0130 >>0373


People still don't get it. They do nothing but sit on their computers and wait for a savior. In the meantime they do nothing to build themselves up, plan or discuss how to move forward. The elite have been at this a very very long time. They are very smart. They have one goal and one goal only- the perpetuation of their bloodlines, and increasing their control and power to that end. They aren't going to be derailed by one man in the presidency, backed up by mindless serfs who are still living in illusion, and unwilling to do the most basic things to strengthen themselves and work to find ways of resistance. The savior mentality is a cancer. Trump doesn't want people sitting around waiting for him to save them. He wants them active and engaged, and loud, and planning for contingencies. As of now the people understand a little better how they are controlled, at least at a superficial level, but have given no thought as to ways to counter, no planning, no preparation. Their sole hope is that Trump will save them. Control increases every day. Tech, debt, impoverishment. There will not be a big event when Trump is gone that compels millions to rise up in arms at once. The elite have learned from history. No, it will be a slow burn, until there is nothing left. There is almost no chance of resisting this anyway, but if the people want to ensure defeat, there is no better way than sitting around on their fat asses, talking to no one but their computers, waiting for the savior to come.