Anonymous ID: 4f867c Dec. 23, 2018, 11:21 a.m. No.4440872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0932 >>0991 >>1025

Mulvaney: ‘Very possible’ shutdown goes into 2019


President Donald Trump’s incoming acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney said the partial government shutdown could continue into next year.


“It is very possible that the shutdown will go beyond the 28th and into the new Congress,” Mulvaney said on “Fox News Sunday” as the shutdown began its second day.


After Trump and Congress failed to resolve a dispute over funding for border security and Trump’s border wall on Friday, the government went into partial shutdown. Mulvaney said Sunday morning that the White House had moved down from its demand for $5 billion and hoped Democrats would move up from their offer for $1.3 billion in border security funding.


Mulvaney’s comments came after the Senate adjourned on Saturday, which meant the shutdown would likely continue past Christmas.


In an interview on ABC’s “This Week,” Mulvaney said Trump remained steadfast in his demand for wall funding.

“The President’s not going to not accept money for a border wall,” Mulvaney said.


He said Trump was “willing to discuss a larger immigration solution,” however, as a way to resolve the standoff.


Asked about the gap between Trump’s campaign promise that Mexico would pay for his wall and his demand as President for taxpayers to fund it, Mulvaney reiterated Trump’s recent claim that the renegotiated trade deal would indirectly amount to Mexico paying for the wall.

He also touted an announcement that Mexico would hold some asylum seekers during their US immigration proceedings.


ABC anchor Jonathan Karl said in response that neither of those things are the same as Mexico paying for the wall, and Mulvaney conceded, “Technically, you and I both know that it cannot work exactly like that.”


“Department of Homeland Security can’t actually spend money from Mexico,” Mulvaney said. “We have to get it from Treasury.”


Illinois Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin, the Senate’s No. 2 Democrat, said in an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that Democratic leadership refused to give Trump money for the wall, but were open to other border security funding.


“What Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi have both told the President is we are not going to build a wall, period,” Durbin said. “Secondly, if you want to talk about border security, there are many things we can do.”

Anonymous ID: 4f867c Dec. 23, 2018, 11:29 a.m. No.4440964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1106 >>1145


I posted that a few days ago. Anons were discussing and some even asking if this would be considered treasonous.

I don't know (not a lawfag), but I am curious.

It is really laughable. And hateful.

They are basically trying to raise money to stop our POTUS from keeping our country safe,

by HELPING the illegals to get over here. Keeping trafficking and drugs flowing…

Anonymous ID: 4f867c Dec. 23, 2018, 11:36 a.m. No.4441046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1069 >>1084 >>1095 >>1113 >>1159 >>1363 >>1467

Kids are turning to blackmarket sex-change hormones for secret transitions


December 5, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – As the number of children identifying as transgender skyrockets—over 4000% in the United Kingdom—experts are beginning to highlight the fact that the relentless promotion and mainstreaming of gender identity theory is triggering a social phenomenon. In fact, many children are not even willing to wait for an overly-willing gender identity clinic to take them on—an investigation by the Daily Mail has indicated that a black market for sex change drugs has sprung up on the Internet.


The Daily Mail found in the investigation, released on December 4, that they could quite easily purchase a “range of transgender medicine,” without any questions being asked, for as low as only twenty-five pounds. There are no age-checks on those attempting to buy hormone drugs online, and there are apparently an enormous number of online forums where children can explain to each other how to order the drugs and which pharmacy sites are best to use.


In their investigation, for example, the Daily Mail found that they could purchase a package of “male hormone blockers” with an “ordinary bank card” from a pharmacy in Thailand with a price tag of only thirty-four pounds, postage included. The pills were labeled as containing “natural oestrogen to promote transgender breast growth.” It took the investigator less than a minute to find the pills online, and there were no age requirements or prescriptions needed to order them.


It wasn’t just one online pharmacy in Thailand, either. The Daily Mail found another site in India where they found that they could purchase “sachets of testosterone gel” called “Cernos,” which was being marketed as “transgender hormone therapy for females transitioning to male.” On the order form, the site did warn that the impacts of these easily-purchasable pills on girls, such achieving a much lower voice, are “irreversible once they develop.” An American site based out of Florida offered the Daily Mail Triptorelin, which “acts on the pituitary gland to pause sexual development in boys and girls reaching the early stages of puberty”—for only twenty-five pounds.


Even more sobering is the fact that these companies are cashing in on the transgender trend because it pays: With the proliferation of “transgender celebrities” on YouTube, Tumblr, and Reddit, transgenderism is becoming a social phenomenon, which children thinking that it is “cool” to become transgender. Some experts warn that children are being persuaded in discussions in online chat rooms that they are transgender, even when they are experiencing perfectly normal teenage angst. As a result, the waiting lists for gender clinics are enormously long, and children are seeking ways to begin transition on their own.


Children are not only purchasing these drugs on their own—something even transgender activists say is extremely dangerous—they are having older teenage friends purchase the drugs for them if they run into any problems. One mother who believes her son was brain-washed by online transgender propaganda found pills he had ordered from an American online pharmacy in his bedroom. He had ordered “the female hormone oestrogen” and had begun to develop breasts. They had simply been mailed to the local post office, and he’d collected them on his own. The drugs were so cheap, the mother said, that he could have purchased them with “his birthday money from Granny or pocket money.”


Children are notoriously impatient, and with the wait lists for clinics growing, many are now taking matters into their own hands. They have been persuaded that they can be whatever gender they decide to be, and as such, they see an irreversible sex change as their right. Children are mutilating themselves, and they have been sold this ugly ideology by trans activists who still accuse any parent who raises concerns of being a bigot. These activists are hurting kids, and they should be kept as far away from them as possible. Unfortunately, for the moment, their ideology is as ascendant as it is destructive.

Anonymous ID: 4f867c Dec. 23, 2018, 11:56 a.m. No.4441288   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I was the OP but I agree with you. Sports is just another branch of our Entertainment ($$$) industry. Professional athletes are pretty much "owned", just like actors, musicians, ect…

Are part of the same tree. Which worries me because my son is playing college ball now, and has chance to go pro…

I worry about this, because I know what (((they))) do to these athletes, all for $$$.