Anonymous ID: 74057e Dec. 23, 2018, 11:08 a.m. No.4440722   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1159 >>1363



Life returns to Aleppo Old city’s markets after two years of defeating terrorism

The markets in the Old City in Aleppo constitute an important commercial center not only for merchants and residents of the city, but also for those coming from outside, especially from the countryside due to the unique nature of these markets and the moderate prices of their products.


Panic Continues In Al-Tanaf: U.S. Proxies Beg For Deal With Damascus

U.S. proxies in the garrison of al-Tanaf and the 55km de-escalation zone around it are seeking an evacuation agreement that would allow them to withdraw to the opposition-held areas in northern Syria once US troops leave the country, the RT TV reported on December 22.

Citing Syrian activists, the TV network said that the US-backed Revolutionary Commando Army’s leader, Muhannad Tala, is hoping that the coalition will help his group can strike a deal with Damascus before it withdraws from the al-Tanaf base.

“The international [US-led] coalition withdrawal from al-Tanaf and the 55km zone will put Free Syrian Army [FSA] factions in these areas in a direct confrontation with regime forces and Iranian militias,” Tala warned on December 21.

The Revolutionary Commando Army’s leader confirmed that the coalition had informed him that they will withdraw from al-Tanaf soon as a part of U.S. President Donald Trump decision to withdraw all American troops from Syria.

The U.S. decision has apparently led to a state of panic among the remaining militants in al-Tanaf, who know that they will not last for more than a few days if the coalition withdraws. Facing this situation, pro-opposition blogs, like Hammurabi’s Justice News, began spreading propaganda to raise the morale of the militants.


Syria’s National Security Head Pays First “Official Visit” To Egypt Since Beginning Of War

Mamlouk and Kamel held bilateral meeting during which they discussed various issues of mutual concern, including political and security issues in addition to counter-terrorism efforts,” the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) said in an official press release on December 23.


Operation Delayed, But Not Canceled: Turkey Massing Forces North Of SDF-held Part Of Syria

The phone call we made with [US President] Trump, as well as the contacts of our diplomatic and security units, and the statements made by the American side led us to wait for a while [for an operation],” said Erdogan


Netanyahu Vows To Intensify Attacks In Syria After US Troop Withdrawal

“We will continue to act in Syria to prevent Iran’s efforts to militarily entrench itself against us. We are not reducing our efforts, we will increase our efforts. I know that we do so with the full support and backing of the US,” Netanyahu said. The prime minister further revealed he was personally warned in advance that the American pullout was imminent during during phone conversations with President Trump on Monday and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday.


Military Situation In Syria On December 23, 2018 (Map Update)

Anonymous ID: 74057e Dec. 23, 2018, 11:10 a.m. No.4440753   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0759 >>0800



Rabbis See Ring of Fire Tsunamis and Earthquakes as Clear Apocalypse Signs


The predictions do not seem to be far-fetched in light of recent assessments of the seismic activity in the mammoth Ring of Fire zone offered by the relevant UN agency.


A number of Rabbis took note of the Ring of Fire’s spate of recent volcanic eruptions and earthquakes and warned that these could notably be a sign of Apocalypse as it is foreseen in Hebrew texts.


The Ring of Fire, an area of high seismic activity that covers large swathes of land from New Zealand all the way to northern Russia, as well as from the US down to Chile, is no new to deadly natural phenomena, with the latest one, a tsunami, severely hitting Indonesia just recently.


The disaster, linked to the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano, led to as many as 222 deaths. Interestingly, all but three of the world’s 25 most massive volcanic eruptions occurred along the perimeter of the Ring of Fire, and even more disasters may be coming along, as according to a tweet by the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, the troubled area is “active.” To prove the point, the agency brought up the recent massive earthquake that had shattered Alaska and led to an across-the-board tsunami warning.


One rabbi, Yosef Berger, referred to the incident earlier this week as “part of the Messiah:”


"This is a global phenomenon, clear for everyone to see, but the important message is for each individual to understand what is happening as part of the Messiah,” he was cited by Breaking Israel News as saying. He went on to note that people who “do not see God in the world” mistake deadly disasters for the laws of nature “they have made up that they rule over God’s creation.”


Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi likewise expressed a belief that the Messiah, who was earlier this year claimed to have been born, put the humanity on the threshold of “redemption” and is waiting just to reveal himself to the world.


“The Creator is purifying the world from the filth of the snake in order to prepare the way for the Messiah to be revealed in the world,” he said in one of his weekly sermons:


“The Redemption will come mercifully so our Father in Heaven uses nature against us: through storms, fires, earthquakes, and volcanos,” he pointed out.


Artzi explained that as “the holy one is destroying all the evil in the world” it at the same paves the way for “the light of the Messiah,” with the world is thereby going simultaneously through destruction and rebirth.


In Judaism, the end of days corresponds to the arrival of the Jewish Messiah, who will rule during his Messianic age before ushering in the kingdom of God’s era.

Anonymous ID: 74057e Dec. 23, 2018, 11:12 a.m. No.4440775   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0819 >>1159 >>1161 >>1331 >>1363 >>1435

Harvard Researchers Begin Work on Bill Gates-Funded Project to Block Out the Sun with Geoengineering


As the world continues to grapple with the consequences of an ever-changing planet, scientists have continued to work on projects aimed at manipulating and shaping the world in unexpected ways.


The most controversial and hotly debated of all these topics (aside from climate change itself) has been that of geoengineering, a topic many news sites dare not breach for fear of being labeled as conspiracy theorists.


But now, the cat is officially out of the bag, as even Forbes just dropped a bombshell on its website: a new plan from Harvard scientists to “tackle climate change through geoengineering by clocking out the sun,” an admission that strangely enough has managed to stay off the radar screens of most major online media publications.


Gates-Funded Project to Block Out the Sun


Mimicking the effects of a huge volcano eruption, the $3 million Harvard plan, which will be partly funded by Bill Gates, is called the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (ScoPEx).


The experiment will release launch small particulars of calcium carbonate in the air sometime in spring 2019, and is based on the effects of large volcanic eruptions and their effects on the planet’s temperature, the Forbes article said.


One example is the 1991 eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in the Phillippines, which released 20 million tons of sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere. The resulting effect was a cooling of the entire planet by .5 degrees Celsius for a year and a half.


In this case, the Gates-Funded Harvard team will use a balloon suspended 12 miles above the Earth to spray the tiny chalk particles across a kilometer-long area, which the goal of reflecting the Sun’s rays away from the planet, The Independent reported.


These scientists contend that mimicking such an effect on a planet-wide scale could save the planet from global warming and stop sea ice from melting.


Critics of the plan argue that it could potentially have devastating effects on food crops, however.


But team member and research David Keith disagreed saying the benefits may outweigh the potential negative impacts.


“Despite all of the concerns, we can’t find any areas that would be definitely worse off,” he told Nature.


“If solar geoengineering is as good as what is shown in these models, it would be crazy not to take it seriously.”

Anonymous ID: 74057e Dec. 23, 2018, 11:17 a.m. No.4440834   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0879 >>1071


We are living in the end times, most people MISTAKENLY think this is the 'apocalypse' and end of the world.


The word apocalypse comes from the Greek word apocálypsis which means "lifting of the veil" or "uncovering", the English version is a misrepresentation of the true meaning! More lies to stop enlightenment of the masses.

Anonymous ID: 74057e Dec. 23, 2018, 11:21 a.m. No.4440862   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0910

Pull Out of Syria and Afghanistan, Use the Money to Build a Wall


Take the $50 billion we spent arming Jihadis, and use it to build a big wall to keep them out of America.


When President Trump first dispatched the first 2,000 National Guard troops to the Mexican border, there was a loud outcry. And now that he’s pulling 2,000 troops out of Syria, there’s more outrage.


But where do 2,000 soldiers belong more, in Syria or on our own border? When it comes to deploying troops on the border, the media is quick to rush out and inform us that it will cost $182 million. But no calculators are in sight when 2,000 troops are deployed in enemy territory thousands of miles away.


Are we spending $600 billion on national defense to protect Syria or to defend the United States? Are young men and women volunteering to risk their lives to defend their country or someone else’s?


The government faces a shutdown over Trump’s call for $5 billion for a wall. Meanwhile the $8.6 billion we’ve spent on “humanitarian assistance” in Syria has never been challenged. Operation Inherent Resolve in Syria and Iraq was budgeted at $15.3 billion for FY2019. But that $5 billion can’t be found.


$2.2 billion was diverted from counterterrorism to arm and train Syrian Jihadis, some of whom were Muslim Brotherhood while others joined up with Al Qaeda. Some of the Jihadis we funded in Syria even ended up fighting each other. Still others turned our weapons over to ISIS. And many ran away.


We had $500 million to spend on training Syrian Jihadis in 2018, but nobody can find $5 billion to build a wall and keep Jihadis out of our country.


There was outrage when the Trump administration diverted $200 million for cross-border stabilization efforts… in Syria. That’s more than the $182 million the first 2,000 troops sent to the border cost. If Congress really can’t find $5 billion in an accounting error somewhere to build the wall, then it can find the money by withdrawing from Syria and using the cash we were going to spend on an RPG for Abdul.


And if there still isn’t enough money, then withdrawing from Afghanistan should do it.


We’re spending $45 billion a year in Afghanistan to help former Taliban fight the current Taliban, who are also fighting ISIS Taliban, with all the groups of warlords, militias, bandits and Koranic meth heads taking the occasional break from fighting each other to take a few shots at us.

Anonymous ID: 74057e Dec. 23, 2018, 11:25 a.m. No.4440914   🗄️.is đź”—kun

PROOF POSITIVE: US Government Has Outright Lied About Chemtrails Since Early 1990s—Undeniable Official Docs!


U.S. Air Force “Chemtrail Curriculum” Published Chemistry Manual at a Major University Library


What follows below is a letter sent by longtime anti-chemtrail advocate to the local government officials of the City of Gainesville, Florida.


Full credit goes to this environmental advocate for unearthing this highly incriminating evidence of ongoing geoengineering programs run under the rubric of the U.S. Air Force. If ever there was a damning piece of hard evident, this is it. See INDIGO SKYFOLD: U.S. Air Force Pilot Exposes Top Secret Chemtrail Program—an Ongoing Deep State Operation


For anyone who doubt the existence of geoengineering operations — which spray toxic aerosols primarily in the troposphere — being conducted in the skies across America, please consider the following three articles:

OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD: The Most Secret Covert Black Operation In World History

CHEMTRAILS: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geoengineering (UPDATED)

Geoengineering Is The Primary Cause Of Global Climate Change, Not CO2

The Evidence


As you will see below, the official document is titled: “CHEMTRAILS MANUAL: Chemistry 131, Dept. of Chemistry, U.S. Air Force Academy”. A screenshot of the title page posted below is dated “October 30, 1990” and has “CHEMTRAILS” shown in large bold print at the top.

Dear Commissioners and City staff

The Chemtrails “Conspiracy Theory” Began as a Department of Defense Publication.

Simple research will reveal the term CHEMTRAILS was published by the department of defense in 1990 as title to a chemistry manual for the USAF Air Force Academy.

For nearly 30 years the Mainstream media has associated the term “chemtrails” with “conspiracy theory” without informing their readers it was the American taxpayer who funded the printing of the media maligned term, “CHEMTRAILS”.

I was able to re-construct a 1990 CHEMTRAILS MANUAL using the microfilm resources of the Library system.

More than chemistry – Beginning at page 64 the manual departs from pure science to discuss the political science of strategic oil and gas reserves including alternative energy development and timelines.

Take a look:



The complete CHEMTRAILS MANUAL found at the William T. Young Library at the University of Kentucky can also be accessed at this link in case the previous one gets deleted: