Anonymous ID: 9730f9 Dec. 23, 2018, 11:38 a.m. No.4441071   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1092 >>1115


Apocalypto is Greek for Revelation:

pulling back of the veil, the reveal.

End of a cycle, not the world.

Does apply to our times,

the removing of the same evil power

that has plagued us for millennia.



>Truth about Israel from the bible

Bible is true, & historically accurate

but "Israel" does not reference today's Jews

or their ill-gotten nation state in the ME.

It is the people __called__Israel

because descended from Jacob (renamed Israel)

One of the 12 sons of Isaac (Isaacs son's, Saxons)

The Hebrews of the bible / "the Jews,"

a words for "Judean" that first appeared

a couple hundred years ago.

Modern Christendom = Biblical Hebrews/"Israel"

Today's Jews = Biblical Edomites/Cannanites

Infiltrated/subverted Israel & Judea 100 yrs BC

just as they did U.S.

Per Jesus: "the synagogue of Satan"

"those who say they are Judeans(Americans) but lie"

"you are of your father the Devil, just like him,

who was a liar and a murderer from the beginning"

They were the corrupt pharisees (lawyers)

and saducees (judges) of Jesus's time

(descended by line, not professing religion)

They were the moneychanges he chased out

Same war, same enemy.

Then as now.

Anonymous ID: 9730f9 Dec. 23, 2018, 11:44 a.m. No.4441137   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1171 >>1269


Nope. Jesus was Galilean, a town in then northern Israel (think related to terms Gaul, Gallic).

Jesus's lineage is described unbroken from Adam through Abraham/Isaac/Jacob-Israel as pure Hebrew.

Edomites were the southern nation

comprised of Hebrew's ancient enemies

the Canaanites (related to today's Turks/Jews)

Anonymous ID: 9730f9 Dec. 23, 2018, 11:55 a.m. No.4441269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1317


Herod, the king to whom is ascribed the tale of trying to kill all the male babies to prevent Jesus's coming, was an Edomite.

The true history of what became of the ancient Hebrews, and why Euro peoples were so easily "converted," is fascinating and historically verifiable in many sources, such as the writings of Strabo the geographer, Josephus the pharisee (one of the Hebrew ones, not Edomite ones), Herodotus (historian).

While some Hebrews stayed in Mesopotamia,

many were seafaring tradesman/craftsman,

i.e. the Phoenicians.

Jesus's grandmother, Ann, was from one of their tin mining colonies in today's Britain.

Brits claim to have a lot of proof of the whole fam

having been there, & other biblical relics, including the Stone of Scone.

Scots also claim to be descended from Hebrews, have docs from like 1000 AD.

Don't wanna slide with extended convo on General,

but if you value uncovering the truths

that the Jews have intentionally subverted,

digging the real truth of the bible is worth doing.

Anonymous ID: 9730f9 Dec. 23, 2018, 12:02 p.m. No.4441354   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I find post that convey information

are the most valuable posts.

Next on the list are lulzy shitposts.

Posts about one's filtering habits

are a few rungs below

posting about bathroom habits



>got something against the alt-right?

Anonymous ID: 9730f9 Dec. 23, 2018, 12:06 p.m. No.4441401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1455



The bible makes such a big deal of lineage

because it cares about heredity.

What makes one a people are being a tribe

of genetically related individuals descended from a common ancestor.

It is Jews that have spread this misinfo

that a practice of a religion or a belief

is what makes someone a member

of this or that tribe.

No different than saying America

is a proposition nation,

when our fouding docs clearly say

"for ourselves and our posterity "

But now, with open borders and

common core teaching us fuck all in school,

we think it means anyone who believes

in muh welfare gets a cut.