Anonymous ID: d608c9 Dec. 23, 2018, 11:29 a.m. No.4440963   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1024

In previous bread an Anon posted a article where Gates is funding experiments to block out the sun to lower earths temp aka Climate Change bullshit. He is helping with the funding to the Harvard research team to spray tiny chalk (calcium carbonate) particles into the stratosphere in a controlled experiment.


This chalk is good for the soil but it not good for our lungs over time. If they find that putting chalk into the stratosphere and spray like they do the chem trails we are in trouble.


With all the crap in our air, water, food etc we are not healthy at the moment and they want to spray chalk? What about the babies who can't cough that well yet? My dad just died from Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Spraying chalk into the air would have killed him faster.


"A small amount of inhaled dust is not considered harmful. Those with healthy respiratory systems can expel it through coughing, and the remaining material should be absorbed safely into the body. For those with chronic breathing issues such as asthma, however, exposure can trigger a reaction. In fact, many school systems strongly urge teachers to move students with respiratory problems away from the chalkboard area. Chalkboards, trays and erasers filled with dust should also be cleaned regularly."


This whole thing smells to high heaven. There are sun simulators hiding in front of the sun right now. Why would they have those up there and back on earth talking about blocking the sun? Does this make sense to anyone?


I think we need to dig into this and keep watch. I am having to trust Trump and Q team that if other countries try and do something too stupid that they will undo it. I can't put my finger on it but there is something BIG going on here that we don't know about.


Would this spraying of 'chalk' be giving our consent to keep spraying other chemicals? Going to stop now since I am typing in circles but this whole thing has set off all my alarms.