Jews are worse than Muslims.
Muslims stink too, but Jews are the DEVIL.
Freddy, you're probably James "Lispy" Mattis
I feel so bad for all the anons that got tricked by that lispy faggot.
Much easier to say 'shill' than respond to the facts huh, rabbi?
FITTON's been fighting the government since TRUMP was a democrat.
Anons better get their heads out of their asses fast.
Trump could literally tweet "Q is Ho-Mo" and QTARDS will say it only proves Q is real.
Or as you said, they'll eventually turn on him as he's being impeached.
Anything is better than admitting they got tricked, I suppose.
if the 'habbenings' continue that this pace, I give it six more months.
Freddy info is more accurate than Q's
the video is perfect in every way:
the 'victim's' face
the based black man's look & demeanor
the audience's reaction (positive)
Montel's reaction (admitting it)
the music/editing