Anonymous ID: 72fea9 Dec. 23, 2018, 1:30 p.m. No.4442287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2394 >>2604

This probably made notables, but is worth the re-post because Bill Still is one person who has been central to educating Americans about Federal Reserve truth for 18 years. He is an economic historian, who did the famous Documentary "The Money Masters".


Between this documentary, and the book called "The Creature from Jekyll Island" many Americans have learned the truth about the Federal Reserve, in grueling detail with historical evidence, public records, even photographs.


Last night Bill Still was posted/Nightshift on the safe way to do the FED changes …which have been done before in American history. This will be nothing new in America.

The evil ones tried to take over our Constitutional money supply before, and even if we get rid of the FED today, you can bet they will be back in the future trying to take our right to create dept free Constitutional money away from WE the People again. This info in his documentary and in the book, needs to be required high school civics.

With computers today, we could probably make the process of going back to constitutional treasury bills go smoother than ever before.

Every time we go back to Constitutional money, the nation becomes the strongest in the world. Every time the international banksters take over th Constutional money supply, they steal from the nation, American economy suffers constant bubbles, recessions and depressions. This most recent forray into the idea that public production of money is safer in "private independant hands" has been one of the worst……the kids no longer have jobs. Our economy has been moved o Communist nations where we compete with communist slave markets. Communists then use the money our companies generate, that they could not generate themselves, to take over our schools, legislators, etc etc etc.


He covers the history in more detail in the original documentary near the end, and it's worth the re-post of this short youtube from last night. We should send this viral if we can. It would do much to calm a lot of people who are worried. It would also wake up some normies.

Anonymous ID: 72fea9 Dec. 23, 2018, 2:31 p.m. No.4442933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2968 >>2981 >>3011

>>4442345 PB 5G


>5G may be bad (I don't know one way or the other) but the things people are saying are just plain stupid. We need factual information written by people with knowledge of how radio frequency energy interacts with biological life.


This is exactly the point of my Original post.

Use logic.

Fact: A corporation wants to put towers in our neighborhoods at `1000 ft intervals, and bathe us all in some kind of frequency.

Fact. This means the farthest we could be from any of those towers at any given moment is 500ft.


Fact. Light effects life.

Fact: Some kinds of light can kill.

And do not just think in terms of what is dangerous to humans. Trees and plants absorb light. Birds use electromagnetic frequency (light) to navigate.

What would be harmed besides humans? Photosynthesis? Birds?

Take the totality of our surroundings into consideration.

If a company wants to put their shit in our faces for profit, we have every right to demand to see the equipment, and examine it for ourselves to make sure it is not capable of changing from benign information frequency to some detrimental form.

That means looking at the equipment.

I am sure we will get the old trade secrets bullshit. Forget that.

NO trade secrets when it comes to spewing their stuff through your home. They are assuming an "easement" through your property.


NO corporation or person has the right to aim any frequency at your home without your permission in the first place.


Do not assume their rights, as many did with Monsanto…. assuming their corporate freedom and right to spread their genetic modifications into every thing we eat.

Genetic pollution is not a right. The damage is permanent.

Corporations must be regulated or they will kill for profit.

They are the quintessential sociopath.

They have no constitutional rights we can not remove by law.

Back in the days of the founders, all corporations were "state charters" and had to come to the state for a check on their history of "good behavior" in the community to get the right to live for another 20 years from the state of incorporation. Every state had charter laws.


This fact put the "good behavior" of the corporation into the profit equation, creating board rooms that had to consider corporate execution (death) of the corporation if things did not go as planned.


The international corporations have gone around to the states and removed the "Charter laws" and now, only remnants of these laws remain.

Imagine where Monsanto would be if the charter laws were still in effect, and Monsanto had to beg for it's right to stay incorporated every 20 years, while lines of people outside the state courtrooms were suing Monsanto for what it had released upon the public without consent of the public.

We may want to re-instate the charter laws in every state, and put good behavior considerations back in the boardrooms.

One thing is for sure.

WE the people need good science on this issue. We need to assume the danger unless proven otherwise. To reverse the process, and assume safety until we know the facts is insanity.