Anonymous ID: 993bc0 Dec. 23, 2018, 1:43 p.m. No.4442429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2447


>No anon is lonely when you have a WW patriot fam this big

Props for dat title, baker. Agreed.

And thanks for the Fresh Brea(th) kek



Not shills, liar.

We're original anons, holding the line.

>trying to make everyone believe that Israel is the ONLY Country without a Deep State.

We'll do ya one better.

We're trying to lead people

to discovering the truth – on their own–

that Israel IS the Deep State.

Their Intelligence Agency, the Mossad,

was put on the TOP of the pyramid

of the global control structure

by Q himself.


Are their innocent individuals

in Israel and of the Jewish race?

Sure. Doesn't change the above truth tho.

Anonymous ID: 993bc0 Dec. 23, 2018, 2:09 p.m. No.4442720   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>baker comp'd

For why?

>muh protocols of the elders of zion

How does referencing the above relate to the notable you're complaining about?

And how is the notable false or misleading? Can you explain it, with supporting evidence?

Or did you only have time for facile implied ridicule before break time?


Is the "muh" meme really the totality of your argument? That is some l o w e n e r g y shilling right there.

You guys better step it up or you're gonna go down faster than Stormy Daniels at the prospect of a big-ticket lawsuit.