Rand needs to hire a food taster ASAP.
Notice how he's the only REAL MAGA guy in the Senate?
It's 99-1 as far as I'm concerned.
Trump should seriously consider getting him and his family Secret Service protection.
Rand needs to hire a food taster ASAP.
Notice how he's the only REAL MAGA guy in the Senate?
It's 99-1 as far as I'm concerned.
Trump should seriously consider getting him and his family Secret Service protection.
Bill is Still wrong about the solution, though.
He wants the GOVERNMENT to issue the money.
Would be a giant FUCKING mistake; only marginally better that what we have now.
The only CONSTITUTIONAL money should be gold and silver.
Merry GITMAS Freddy & Toots!
she's pretty
sure thing, rabbi
Fred wins again.
Fuck the FED, I know that.
They questions is what kind of money is constitutional.
From article 1, Section 8:
"The Congress shall have Power To … coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
From article 1, Section 10:
"No State shall …. make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts…"
It cannot be FIAT money like BILL STILL wants.
Only money backed by gold & silver should be legal.