Anonymous ID: cb41b7 Dec. 23, 2018, 2:22 p.m. No.4442870   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Scientology Continued


Previous Beginnings

>>4435002 >>4435012 >>4435013


Scientology and its connection to Freemasonry and the Occult (and obviously Hollywood)…..




Even the uninitiated (like myself) are probably intuitively aware of the cultish mind-control aspects of Scientology. After a review of previous research, it seems this is likely the foundation and PRIMARY FUNCTION of Scientology and how it fits into the Pyramid Structure of the Cabal.


In short, it seems that Scientology serves as a separate but similar function of the Masons, as a recruitment/training tool, but for individuals who are inclined to a more modern style of mysticism.


To ensure their long term survival both entities need a means of recruiting new members and training new disciples using a centralized, effective “educational” system.

Masonry and Scientology seem to serve as separate, but related elements of the illuminati pyramid, but with their own flavors of pseudo-scientific psychobabble.


These groups ultimately are used to serve the higher levels of the pyramid, but it also seems obvious that they can be used as a “proving ground” for non-bloodline individuals and allow a place for them to“grow, prove loyalty, and move up to higher levels of the pyramid.


In the case of Scientology, not only is it’s mind control “research” used for controlling its members, it appears that it is used for promoting propaganda to the entire population via news media, Hollywood, music industry, etc.


=Scientology "ethics" is actually a very sophisticated behavior modification system. 


=The Secret Upper Levels. The levels above "clear", called the OT levels, are confidential and today are kept under strict high-tech security systems. The new Scientologist is told that these levels are so powerful, that if a person sees them who is "not ready" to, they will get sick, go insane, or even die. They are also told that these levels contain the secrets of the universe and will make them into an all-powerful "operating thetan" with god-like abilities.


Through constant media cover-age Scientology is rendered familiar, and even (despite some bad press) potentially desirable to many, in that it forms a core element of the lives of these celebrities.


One important strand of the argument of this chapter is that celebrities have taken on certain functions and significances that traditionally belong to religious figures.


Notes on Photos:


Greta Van Susteren

Her husband, a prominent lawyer, is a well-known Scientologist. Van Susteren told People in the 1990s that she is a “strong advocate of their ethics.” She also owns a home in Clearwater, Florida, Scientology’s spiritual headquarters.


James Rogan is a judge who sits on the California Supreme Court. Then-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger nominated him in 2006. Prior to that, Rogan received thousands of dollars from wealthy Scientologists throughout the 1990s. At the time of the donations, Rogan served in the House of Representatives (1997 to 2001) as a representative of California.


We know about the Celebrities. How many media personalities, politicians are influenced by/members of Scientology?