So, the Gilets Jaunes support Q, but the movement seems to be infested with Black Bloc thugs who want to do nothing but assault police and wreak havoc and mayhem.
Check this out. The anarchists have become the face of the Yellow Vest movement, which is not good. With the police staging an uprising of their own, it is essential that they get along with their fellow citizens, the Gilets Jaunes. If overthrowing the Satanic Globalist Cabal and their pets like Emmanuel Macron is truly the goal of this movement, then yellow Vests should be mindful of optics and wary of subversion
This footage is very recent. December 22, 2018. Just a few days ago. This is in Paris.
And for fuck's sake, please comment on the video so I can get every Anon's opinion on what's really going on here.
I included the pics that Q dropped for us at the end of the video for reference