With DJT's long history & experience in high finance & business:
He knew what could be accomplished in a short period of time to turn the US economy around.
He knew it could be done working-with & having the backing-of key patriots in Gov, Mil & Big Biz.
It was known & figured into 'The Plan' that [The Cabal] would have to counter with their standard arsenal of weapons ie: (Rigged Elections)(The Stock Market)(The Fed)(FF's)(Disinfo Smears).
Planners of 'The Plan' understood that even if (((they))) threw every negative smear at DJT (Empirical Success) couldn't be denied in the end.
Produce (Undeniable) Results - Watch (((them))) Counter = Expose (((their))) (Undeniable) Hypocrisy & Criminality.
1: (USA Election Process) shown to be rigged = Due to "force" moves by POTUS & patriots.
2: (Stock Market & Big Corp Values) shown to be fixed = Due to "force" moves by POTUS & patriots.
3: (The Fed) shown to be the anti-American manipulator that it is = Due to "force" moves by POTUS & patriots.
Never in history have we seen the global cult have to expose themselves the way they have been.
I haven't seen it in my 56yrs.
They're hanging themselves every day; deed by dirty deed.