Anonymous ID: 162425 Dec. 23, 2018, 5:21 p.m. No.4444756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5277

Kyrgyzstan to Switch to 100 Percent Organic Agriculture


Kyrgyzstan Parliament just announced its 10-year plan to phase out all non-organic farming and switch to 100 percent organic agriculture. The country that relies heavily on its agriculture has put the final nail in the coffin of Big GMO.


Dastanbek Djumabekov, the Chairman of the Jogorku Kenesh (Kyrgyzstan’s Parliament), has directed the government to implement the 100% organic agricultural plan over the next 10 years. The country plans to only use natural fertilizers in the future.


Kyrgyzstan is only the second country in the entire world to implement a 100% organic agriculture plan. Bhutan is the first, more on that in a second. Additionally, Kyrgyzstan virtually kicked all GMOs to the curb in 2014 – keep reading.

Living in an Organic Paradise


Remember when organic food wasn’t differentiated by the special term “organic”? Remember when it was just called “food”? That’s what Kyrgyzstan is trying to achieve. An organic farming paradise that is actually just a reprisal of traditional farming and nutritional food.


The Central Asian country, nestled in between China and Kazakhstan, is encased by mountainous terrain and is apart of the historic Silk Road. The agricultural sector is one of the largest economic sectors for Kyrgyzstan and makes up around 40% of its 6 million population.


In fact, a lot of the farms have already been growing fruits and vegetables without chemicals, so why not make it official?


Azernews reported:


Speaker of the Parliament Dastanbek Dzhumabekov sent a corresponding instruction to the government. It states that the production of agricultural products throughout the country should become organic within ten years.


Farmers should not use agrochemicals, pesticides (toxic chemicals), synthetic substances, hormones, growth regulators, feed additives, GMOs, antibiotics and additives other than biological preparations for plant protection and organic fertilizers.


Implementation of Krygyzstan’s 100% organic agriculture plan was entrusted to the Committee on Agrarian Policy, Water Resources, Ecology and Regional Development of the Parliament. reported:


Earlier, MP Kenzhebek Bokoev said that the specialists of the Ministry of Agriculture should work better, and recommended to help farmers in Talas region with the sale of beans, to hold a campaign in the region about the benefits of this product.


The parliament members blamed the Ministry of Agriculture for the fact that there were still no so-called organic farms in the republic where fruit and vegetables were grown without chemicals.


News of the organic farming campaign could possibly be a sign of the government’s increased concern over health. Coincidentally, the government just announced a plan to put scary, graphic images on alcohol bottles in an effort to curb over-drinking.

Anonymous ID: 162425 Dec. 23, 2018, 5:27 p.m. No.4444817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4824 >>4838 >>4843 >>4853 >>4859 >>4862 >>5091

This is fucking weird, you'd have to be tiny for a suitcase


Spitzer Repeatedly Snuck $5,000/Night Prostitute Into His Apartment Using A Suitcase


Eliot Spitzer, famous for being the "victim" of an attempted $400,000 extortion by a Russian prostitute, will also now likely also be famous for the "novel" way in which he decided to get his escort into his apartment: by stuffing her into his luggage. The escort, Svetlana Travis Zakharova, said in an interview with The Post: "He used to sneak me into his Fifth Avenue apartment in a black suitcase . . . when his wife was away. My knees would be up by my face. When the doorman would ask if he could help, Eliot would say, ‘No, thanks.’ "


Zakharova revealed that she was stuffed in his luggage about 15 times to get her into Eliot and Silda Spitzer's house. She also said that Spitzer had "holes in his underwear" despite bragging about how rich he was. She complained that Spitzer whined too much to her about his married life.


“He told me about problems with his wife. She complained about his drinking. She bought a dog without telling him,” Zakharova said.

Anonymous ID: 162425 Dec. 23, 2018, 5:35 p.m. No.4444898   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'This will destroy him': Cleared Gatwick suspect's boss says police did not speak to him even though he could give double glazing worker a cast iron alibi


John Allard, 68, claims police did not contact him to ask for an alibi for Paul Gait

Boss claims Mr Gait had been installing guttering when drones caused havoc

Mr Allard says arrest will 'destroy' the 'harmless' Mr Gait, 47, and wife Elaine, 54


The cleared drone suspect's boss has slammed police for their 'appalling' investigation after officers 'failed to contact him for an alibi'.


John Allard, who runs Allard Double Glazing, said he knew exactly where Paul Gait was this week when drones caused around 1,000 planes to be grounded at Gatwick airport.


Mr Gait, 47, and his wife Elaine Kirk, 54, both from Crawley, were questioned for 36 hours after they were arrested shortly after 10pm on Friday and were released without charge on Sunday morning.


But Mr Allard, from Crowborough, East Sussex, said police failed to contact him for an alibi for his employee.



Anonymous ID: 162425 Dec. 23, 2018, 5:40 p.m. No.4444952   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Debunking Zionist dogma


A lack of originality


One thing that characterises dogmatists is a lack of originality. You buy into the dogma and that’s it. Your worldview is complete – and so are your rationalisations, defensive pronouncements and complaints.


I have been an opponent of the Zionist dogma for almost 50 years because it (1) denies Palestinians their civil and communal rights; (2) corrupts many Jews with a siren song of racially-based nationalism; (3) undermines the concepts of international law and human rights and (4) seduces the US government into supporting Zionist ethnic nationalist ambitions.


During the last 20 years I have noticed that the arguments used by the Zionists to defend their policies and practices have been quite consistent. This can’t be because they are convincing, since they are clearly losing the battle for public opinion. It may be that being a dogmatist simply robs you of any originality and flexibility.


Recently I was again struck by this consistency when I read a brief piece published on 12 December 2018 in the New York Times (NYT) by David Harris, Chief Executive Officer of the American Jewish Committee. The piece, entitled “Why anti-Zionism Is malign” (“malign” here meaning malevolent) was written in reaction to an earlier (7 December 2018) NYT editorial column by Michelle Goldberg entitled “Anti-Zionism Is not anti-Semitism”.


The Harris piece lays out some of the basic Zionist arguments in defence of Israel and their complaints about opposition positions. That being so, I thought it presented a good opportunity to briefly run through these points and, not for the first time or the last, debunk each in turn. So here goes.

Arguments and counter-arguments


Argument 1: Anti-Zionists are really anti-Semites.


For anyone with an accurate historical view of anti-Zionism and an accurate definition of historical anti-Semitism, Harris’s assertion is hard to understand. From the historical perspective it is comparing apples and oranges. The only way to merge the two is by realigning reality.


Zionism is a political dogma that insists on an exclusively Jewish state in Palestine. It operates like a political party line. Anti-Semitism is the age-old prejudice against Jews as Jews. The way the Zionists attempt to realign the world so that the two different concepts merge is by making the false claim that the state of Israel represents every Jew on the planet. If you buy into that claim, it seems to follow that anyone who is critical of Israel must also be critical of Jews per se.

Anonymous ID: 162425 Dec. 23, 2018, 5:44 p.m. No.4444995   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Socialist Paradise: Desperate Women Fleeing Venezuela Sell Hair, Breast Milk and Their Bodies to Survive


Women are fleeing the Socialist paradise of Venezuela and selling their hair and breast milk to get by.


Some girls as young as 14 are even resorting to prostitution to buy food.


This is the hell that the Democrats are pushing for in the United States.


Socialism leads to poverty and mass starvation forcing people to resort to desperate measures to feed their families.


Thousands of Venezuelans are pouring into Colombia to escape the hell they were living in thanks to the Socialist government of Venezuela. The emaciated women carrying their babies beg for money and food.


Fox News reported that the women are cutting off their hair and selling their locks to wig makers for around $10-30 to make ends meet.


Some women have resorted to selling their bodies; girls as young as 14 are earning around $7.00 “per service.”


“Due to the brutal economic situation in Venezuela, they come to Colombia looking for a job, or at least for shelter and basic care. But they usually end up selling candles or coffee at traffic lights,” said Amy Roth Sandrolini, Chief of Staff at The Exodus Road, a U.S.-based organization devoted to fighting human trafficking globally. “Where they also become vulnerable to being recruited, to become victims of human trafficking.”


Both men and women are exposed to sex trafficking along the route from Venezuela to Colombia. According to several walkers, some women “chose” prostitution as a means to make money and earn rides along the way. And some heterosexual men “sell themselves on the gay market” for a little money.


Other women are manipulated or forced into giving “pimp types” their documents and identification cards, and are subsequently drawn into prostitution rings. That’s particularly the case in border areas, where many rebel and drug-trafficking groups operate.


Venezuela used to be the wealthiest nation in South America. Socialism has destroyed the once flourishing country.


Healthcare is a thing of the past now in Venezuela and children are dying of measles, tuberculosis, malaria and hepatitis.


Fox News reported:


“Currently there are no broad-spectrum antibiotics, not even basic antibiotics to treat basic pathogens from children and present chronic illnesses,” she said. “We don’t have x-rays working, they haven’t for a long time. We don’t have a CAT scanner or an MRI scanner. Many other vital medical instruments don’t work. The municipal blood banks don’t have reagents, therefore we have kids who are getting blood transfusions and are getting infected with hepatitis C and could even be injected with HIV.”


Suicide rates are through the roof as well, tragically even among children.


Venezuelans dig through trashcans to feed themselves while President Nicolas Maduro feasts on gourmet meals.


Make no mistake, this is the exact Socialist hell that the Democrat leaders want for Americans.

Anonymous ID: 162425 Dec. 23, 2018, 5:47 p.m. No.4445017   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Supreme Court Intervenes In Apparent Mystery Mueller Case


Chief Justice John Roberts stayed a contempt order in a case that likely arose from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation in a Sunday night order.


Sunday’s order could mark the first time that the Supreme Court has intervened in the Mueller inquiry.


Very little is known of the case, which reached the high court on Saturday, because the matter has proceeded through the federal courts under seal, meaning strict confidentiality prevails over every detail.


The scant facts which are available about the case are these: a grand jury issued a subpoena to an unnamed company owned by a foreign government some time during the summer of 2018. That firm, referred to in court filings as “the corporation” has been fighting the subpoena in federal court since August.


The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit released one of the few public filings in the matter on Dec. 18, finding that the foreign corporation must comply with the subpoena.


The company appealed that decision to the Supreme Court Saturday. The corporation faces a fine of $5,000 for every week that it fails to abide by the subpoena.


Roberts’ Sunday night decision temporarily halts the non-compliance fines. The Department of Justice must submit a response to the foreign company’s application by Dec. 31.


The chief justice’s order is not a decision on the merits of the dispute, nor is it necessarily significant. The justices often issue a temporary reprieve of lower court decisions — called an administrative stay — while the full court considers how it wants to proceed.


Though Mueller’s connection to the case has not been definitively established, several facts indicate the special counsel’s involvement: CNN saw senior Mueller lawyers return to the Justice Department immediately after the conclusion of a recent secret hearing in the matter, while Politico overheard lawyers and court officials discussing this matter with specific reference to the special counsel.


What’s more, Judge Greg Katsas, President Donald Trump’s first appointee to the D.C. Circuit, recused himself from this case. Katsas was a lawyer in the White House counsel’s office in the early days of the Trump administration, where he handled topics bearing on the Mueller probe — he told lawmakers he would recuse himself from cases relating to Mueller’s investigation during his confirmation hearing.

Anonymous ID: 162425 Dec. 23, 2018, 5:49 p.m. No.4445029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5037

Clinton Presidential Center Closes Due to Government Shutdown


The Clinton Presidential Center announced Saturday that most operations at the center will remain closed throughout the duration of the partial government shutdown.


The center said all temporary and permanent exhibits within the Clinton Presidential Library and Museum in Little Rock, Arkansas, will remain closed, but the Clinton Museum Store and the site’s restaurant—42 bar and table—will remain open during normal business hours.


The restaurant and museum announced they would be offering “Shutdown Specials” on items until the government shutdown is lifted.


A pop-up notification on the library and museum website states that “National Archives facilities are closed,” and the website will not be maintained or updated during the shutdown.


Other presidential libraries, including the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum in College Station, Texas, are also closed due to the shutdown. But some presidential libraries will remain fully or partially open during the shutdown.


The George W. Bush Presidential Library in Dallas will remain open, but it will not be providing archival services during the government shutdown.


The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in Simi Valley, California, announced on its website that it is open despite the shutdown.


The partial government shutdown affects nine out of 15 Cabinet-level departments, including the Department of Interior and the Department of Agriculture. Interior is responsible for running the National Park Service, and Agriculture is responsible for maintaining national forests.


Although the Senate is expected to reconvene Thursday to negotiate legislation to fund these parts of the federal government, the shutdown may continue into 2019.


Office of Management and Budget director and incoming Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney told Fox News Sunday that it is “very possible” the shutdown will extend into the New Year, when a new session of Congress goes into effect.