Anonymous ID: ffb135 Dec. 23, 2018, 5:44 p.m. No.4444987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5021

>>4444148 (pb)

Prior to his de-platforming and censoring, Thomas Wictor was reporting some very accurate, real-time intel from the Syrian, Iraqi, and Yemen war zones which contrasted completely with the Deep State controlled reporting, a fact which I believe led to him being black-listed by social media platforms. A couple of his themes stood out. There exists a secret coalition of a covert non-Zionist Israeli commandos, anti-terrorist pro-Assad fighters and a force of Saudi fighters which was effectively routing Iranian and Deep State supported terrorists using a next generation of military hardware which was highly effective in reducing the amount of collateral damage and innocent death and injuries to civilians. This reporting directly contrasted with the Deep State staged videos and photos of "civilian causalities". This real and truthful news was unacceptable to the Deep State war propaganda being disseminated. Accordingly, TW had to go. It is my belief that General Mattis was in full support of this strategy which conflicted directly with the official coalition position on the conflicts. As DoD Secretary, Mad Dog was highly conflicted with his official role as coordinator of the Allied Coalition. Could it be possible that his firing and feud with POTUS was just a head fake? By stepping down, could Mattis now be free to take a more effective role in coordinating this covert and highly effective fighting force absent the conflicts he had with his DoD Secretary role? Like Bannon, is Mad Dog now free to act as he always wanted to directly engage the REAL threat to the Region, the increasingly powerful Iranian presence in the ME? Just a theory but what say other anons? The whole resignation and undermining letter to POTUS just seems uncharacteristic of this savvy and dedicated Patriot. Leaving his CiC at a time when he knew that he would be needed most? Mad Dog seems to have always been part of the Military group who planned for years to finally recruit a POTUS who would get the job done. Perhaps I'm wrong, way off base here, but I believe that this highly trained and learned Military monk is just the type of boots on the ground Patriot we would need in this highly-charged flashpoint in the ME.