Anonymous ID: 95b4a3 Dec. 23, 2018, 6:35 p.m. No.4445390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5470 >>5496 >>5533

Wouldn't It Be Funny If the Israelis were Kicked Out Of Israel?


and Palestine given back to the Palestinians.


*Remember - The Balfour Declaration: only a small patch of Palestine was given by the British Chancellor to the Rothschilds to form the state of Israel in 1947, like a 5% chunk of Palestinian Land.


Over the next 70 years, Israeli Jews Invaded the Rest of Palestine, genocided the Palestinians by killing men, women and children. Israel STOLE the Other 90% of Palestine land and its Oil and Water resources.


Israel's state of the art F16 Fighter Jets, tanks,weaponry and nuclearbombs PAID FOR BY We, the American People through the Zionist Subversion of Corrupt Traitors in Congress and past Presidents.


Does Any Thinking Anon Have Any Doubt as To Why Jews Have Been Kicked Out of Every Country That They Have Ever Moved To, and Sucked The Life Blood Out Of?

Anonymous ID: 95b4a3 Dec. 23, 2018, 7:03 p.m. No.4445631   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5660

GITMAS EZ Ident-A-Zionist-Shill


They Never use the word "ZIONIST" or "CRIMES"


1.They will desperately try to do Damage Control by screaming loudly that any Truth posted showing Evidence of Israeli Zionist Subversion and Organized Crimes against Americans is a "clown", "muh jew","shill", "bot".


  1. They will quote Q or POTUS.


These Zionist/Unit 8200/Mossad shill bots are so Stupid that they don't realize that


they are Actually CONFIRMING The Ugly Truth about Zionist Organized Crimes Against Americans*


*Organized Zionist Cabal Criminals will be Prosecuted under the RICO Statute:Racketeering and Corrupt Organizations Act.


They might deflect blame to any other group, such as Nazis, Freemasons or Nihilists, but never Cabal Jews, Israelis, nor Zionists. It's Kryptonite to anti-American Zionist Shills.


Also they Never discuss nor refute any Evidence Of Zionist Organized Crimes against Americans presented. Nothing ever about CRIMES, Nope.


Now these Israeli/MOS/Unit 8200 shills PROJECT the Cabal PANIC onto Truth telling anons–to sow confusion by claiming how they're enjoying anons' "panic" which is nonsensical because we anons are getting more Comfy by the day.


But they made the fatal mistake of using the same "enjoying your panic" phrase in reply to every different anons' posts about the JQ. —-Thou Doth Protest Too Much ::kek::