Wouldn't It Be Funny If the Israelis were Kicked Out Of Israel?
and Palestine given back to the Palestinians.
*Remember - The Balfour Declaration: only a small patch of Palestine was given by the British Chancellor to the Rothschilds to form the state of Israel in 1947, like a 5% chunk of Palestinian Land.
Over the next 70 years, Israeli Jews Invaded the Rest of Palestine, genocided the Palestinians by killing men, women and children. Israel STOLE the Other 90% of Palestine land and its Oil and Water resources.
Israel's state of the art F16 Fighter Jets, tanks,weaponry and nuclearbombs PAID FOR BY We, the American People through the Zionist Subversion of Corrupt Traitors in Congress and past Presidents.
Does Any Thinking Anon Have Any Doubt as To Why Jews Have Been Kicked Out of Every Country That They Have Ever Moved To, and Sucked The Life Blood Out Of?