Anonymous ID: d07df9 Dec. 23, 2018, 7:16 p.m. No.4445798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5818


>filter filter filter!!!!

>being this obvious of a (((kike shill)))



>not a single comeback because a fucking kike is delusional enough to believe his own bullshit


The only reason kikes are targeted? because they insist on being kikes in a world that does not want them.



Get the message schlomo? Any wonder why it is that many others even after countless wars can find common ground but the moment they encounter (((your kind))), all bets fly out the window?

(((you))) made yourself the enemy of the whole world, when those who REALLY suffered have no voice in history you distorted.

This is why we are going to kill you all, because you are jews.


Anonymous ID: d07df9 Dec. 23, 2018, 7:19 p.m. No.4445824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5847 >>5859


>our panic levels.



Bit of a slip there, (((schlomo))).

Also being this much of a jewish bitch to think they can now dictate what is 'acceptable' and what is now labeled 'shill word'.


jew mouth alone is a fucking sin the world knows it LOL

Anonymous ID: d07df9 Dec. 23, 2018, 7:22 p.m. No.4445856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6007


>t. IP hopping kike trying to mouth off and thinks they can pretend to make JQ an 'agenda' when it is CENTRAL to this entire world disaster we are facing


Fuck yourself, mossad bitch. Cry harder about (((triple parentheses))) and muh words you fear so much KEKKEK


'heat' that they manufacture, JUST LIKE the (((msm))) on anyone kikes and NWO doesn't like. #2 on target list.

Also fucking hilarious they think they are safe in israel or in the middle east/russia and europe.

Not to mention US and FV eye nations LOL



Anonymous ID: d07df9 Dec. 23, 2018, 7:26 p.m. No.4445889   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>forgot to not kike post the first time before bitching at anons

>out of no where bitches at anons and thinks IP hop makes him invisible

>forgets anons keep track of their (((tone))) across all platforms and can spot a msm/kike shill miles away


(((bitch))) you glow the moment you posted haaha


"that ain't going to fly"

Nigger who the FUCK you think (((you))) are? Do you fucking jews only listen when you get raped and about to get a fucking bullet in your middle eastern semitic mongrel mallet?

Got a fucking death wish these kikes.

Anonymous ID: d07df9 Dec. 23, 2018, 7:36 p.m. No.4445998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6018



A bit of crumbs anons can look into.


It's not RUSSIA, but (((russia))).


alexander torshin.

viktor veskelberg.

Leonard Blavatnik.

felix sater (((anglicized)))

semion mogilevich

mark lansky

jack ruby (((anglicized, actual name is rubenstein)))


So forth.


DEMs project russia russia russia, not only to prevent two nationalist Patriots POTUS and PUTIN from working together, but also to mask the REAL (((russian))) connection between traitors and msm to russian/ukrainian jewry-led criminal network chiefly responsible for sex-slave trafficking and organ harvesting jewish crimes from eastern europe to israel and middle east.


plus, of course, URANIUM ONE.


Remember, when someone is trying to scream russia russia russia, it's the same as when someone screams AMERICANS AMERICANS AMERICANS in russia.


Both are used as patsies to shield (((them))).


World wide jewry criminal network, with netanyahoo and middle eastern african collaborator muzzy lackies.


Plus EU and UK based roth/bloodlines and FVeye pawns like trudeau and AUS/NZ actors.

Anonymous ID: d07df9 Dec. 23, 2018, 7:47 p.m. No.4446111   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6120 >>6121


The (((lineage))) of 'neoconservatism' used to subvert republicans and turn them into israel worshipping BITCHES has its roots in anti-stalin (((trotskite))) exiles from USSR.


same leon (((BRONSTEIN))) that made up the word 'racism' to squash any nationalist/patriot russian/ukrainian belarussian/baltic native sentiment to jewish terrorist criminal bolshevik rule.

jewry vs. jewry,


same shit.