Have any recent [shooters] received therapy in the past?
That was the question Q asked us to answer and we are to uncover the truth, organically, ourselves.—
Let’s start with:
Recent shooters anywhere in US—think mass shootings. Let’s go back to O’blamo’s reign of terror as a starting point for reference.
What state? Red or Blue?
Where did the shooting occur? Movie theater, school, mall, airport?
Age, gender, ethnicity, financial back ground. (How come most all appear to be young white males?)
Next, find out which ones had history of mental illness.
Then, what kind of illness AND what drugs prescribed? (This will be a bingo.) A lot of these drugs have a shit ton of side effects that they tell us about. Makes you wonder what they are they not telling us...
Are there any drug connections/matches?
Then think about anything Bigly in the news right before each shooting event.
Can we find out who their psychologists/psychiatrists were? Any matches? Health systems/ practices/ contracts with a three letter agency? Another possible bingo?
I suck at digging. My skill set runs with the big picture. If I have all the odd pieces I can put the patterns together.
My hypothesis: it’s out there, but I think if we can follow the drug, dosage, doctor that prescribed, practice/medical group, we might be able to link big pharma, scientific study, three letter agency, PSYOP program.
Let the meme wars begin!