The fear is palpable.
Couple that with the gun control which has always been a losing prospect for dems even when they have power…
ELF can't be generated by a cell phone. The antennas simply aren't capable of it, and if you don't believe me tear one out of a scrap phone and play with it.
Sort of, but it's really dirty and not really a true ELF wave. It's more like a 100khz wave that grows and shrinks every 10hz. There's way better ways to mess with your brain with elf anyway. https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transcranial_magnetic_stimulation
There's also plenty of options for implants that could be communicated with directly through a phone.
It really doesn't work that way…
Eh. Sort of. There are some devices that send signals by introducing a ripple into the mains power, but power grids are kept pretty close to 60hz, and are, well, powerful making them tricky to change frequency on.
Broadband over power lines induces a ripple deviation to send a signal. Shitty power grids cause all sorts of RF noise in general.
Microwaves and ELF are extremely different things. You're talking gigahertz vs hertz.
Now I could see potential for satellites to generate ELF through interactions with the ionosphere. I wouldn't know how to do it, but it's not first order impossible. Sattelites can easily generate microwaves, as well.
It's not a true ELF though and it's not going to act like one. This is how AM radio works, basically.
Why do you think they play the dramatic background noises between each news broadcast? Turn off your TV, it's much easier to influence someone through audiovisual stimuli than electromagnetic stimuli.
I'm not a comms guy, so don't take my word as gospel, but the "cell phones and ELF" thing I think is well meaning anons putting together buzzwords without fully understanding them.