need most posts #marchforourlives lets get the other kids voice out
One should say "You had one job, hit your mark" FAIL
Ya mean where ex soldiers make the kind of money those fucks in Music and Hollywood make, bring it on!
He must be under 18 better not to have any pics, just hope he wasnt committed to another Clown programming mental health place. Feel sorry for all kids under 30 or so, this leftist world has just left a shit ton of shit programming in them, safe spaces and all, it's going to take a couple generations to pull out of this and 10 years of Q work to clean up the gov
Nice one!
YEs missing letters is norm, in 3 months never had anyone that said delta between tweets meant anything, had plenty try and I don't remember seeing this at the top of the bread where we keep our gold, is there a link up there I am missing, just saying the purpose was for Q to post, we wait 10 mins, POTUS posts, 10 min delta, meaning near future, proved Q knew what was coming.
Never had a proof of any other even the guy that built the huge spreadsheet didnt' prove anything.
why Q team always hung here chatting for a few waiting to set the delta.