Anons are too focused on this one kid. There are 2 others that deserve some major attention.
Cameron Kasky: his father Jeff (has a FB acct) was a talent agent with William Morris in NYC and is an attorney who represents women who are surrogate mothers/adoption among other things. kasky.com His mom is a drama coach and he's been in plays and learned to 'speak well' and also be interviewed infront of a green screen. Look at Daddy's FB page for vids.
The other is Emma Gonzalez, the gay activist. She got a twatter account on Feb 16th and already has a blue verified account check.
This is about votes. The left/Demwits are using these kids as pawns for votes. Think…many can vote in November (Cameron just signed up to vote today) and in 2020 many, many more. Again..the KIDS are PAWNS!