Anyone have the picture of George HW Bush when he was little sitting beside Josef Mengele?
Anon I know what you're going through is hard and should really be taken seriously, but you really shouldn't give people that consider you targets here any ammo to use against you.
Please retain your and your family's anonymity while you visit this place.
All that aside, your wish has been noted.
While I'm sure the vast majority of those in uniform are much more than upstanding citizens, it's this anon's perspective that you shouldn't compromise the potential for her to remain safe by assuming that the soldiers at such a place are all by definition exactly what you expect them to be.
Again, best wishes regardless.
Thanks, anon. I certainly appreciate this.
However, I'm interested in information that shows us a clear line between Mengele and HW Bush. Forgive my laziness after a long day at work, but where exactly is this presented in what you've shown me?
>middle picture
Look, what you guys really need to aim for is instances in which other trannies have "presented their masculinity" while wearing a dress and compare the two.
You know I didn't ask for this, right? I was merely telling you that's what I was looking for.
I've already found this:
Sorry for annoying you with my assistance. Are you feeling inadequate or something? You wreak of projection.
I'm not even disagreeing with you here.
What the hell is wrong with you, anon? Didn't take your meds today?
heh i'm sitting here replying to a bot, aren't I?
Where are you seeing that she's died?
Musk was sending a message, I've thought, that suggest his unwillingness to play their games any longer.
You know what CBD consumption does to the programming, right? Cathy O'Brien knows. Give her name and the proper keyword(s) a short search and you'll find that she's spoken plenty about the affects of smoking marijuana on mind-controlled victims - she claims it disrupts the programming (along with her partner guy).