I havent been able to do much today, tonight i found out that their belief (the cabal’s) is to literally eat the flesh and drink the blood.. it is where communion in catholic church came. There is something to it. It is either a watered down version or a ritual version that backs what they do. I grew up Catholic.. the whole story and resurrection and all are from the Nommo, actually it is the Dogon/Dagon’s beliefs OF the Nommo that the catholics communion came.
So yeah to say the catholic church is comped or controlled is an understatement.
We are too free and STRONG. We escaped the lockdown of power from Brittian. They could not let our freedoms get in the way of their world domination… get in the way of their Nommo World Order.
Back to the communion.. they (the cabal and hollywood) take the interpretation literally and eat from the body and drink from the blood.
Sick Fucks.
I have already posted the file, let me go back and get it..
Below link
So let me get settled in, there is a DNA storyline/talk in/with the Nommo. I will get some things together and post up about it. BAsically they were trying to breed and they got a male only (the nommo are transgendered.. which is another common recent thread.. just ask Target about it w their bathrooms..). Anyway they created a female from male, some folk lore says Lilith was Adam’s first wife but she was more like your modern woman, bossy, controlling and a down right bitch.
Eve was made from Adam (dna using existing genetics)..
Funny this is alot like the opposite of Cannabis. You want females, you will get males unless you feminize the females to create female only seeds. You trick the plant into producing flowers (female) and it only gives female genes away in pollen so when a female is pollinated by feminizwd pollen.. it will have 2 x cheomosomes and not the Y of the male.. and new plant takes on genetics of both mothers of both plants joined through pollen.
Anyway that is a jag but it reminded me of reproduction of Cannabis plants and the Nommo fucked up and got a male (Catholic Church calls this male Adam)! Kek!