Anonymous ID: 3ac59e Dec. 23, 2018, 10:12 p.m. No.4447468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7487 >>7492




The following two prophecies are both fulfilled on the same day, the 'Day of Christ', which is the day the Church is raptured to heaven marking THE END of the 'Church Age':



Luke 21:21


"And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles ( the Gog-Magog Army ) UNTIL the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled."



Romans 11:25


"Blindness in part has happened to Israel UNTIL the fullness of the Gentiles has come in."




The following Scripture describes the fate of the left-behind, un-believing Gentiles according to the Scriptures:



2 Thessalonians 2:10-13


"Those who perish because they DID NOT receive the love of the Truth that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them a STRONG DELUSION that they should believe the lie, and that they all might be condemned who DID NOT believe the truth. BUT WE ( Christians ) ARE BOUND TO GIVE THANKS TO GOD ALWAYS for you brethren, beloved by the Lord, BECAUSE GOD FROM THE BEGINNING CHOSE YOU FOR SALVATION THROUGH SANCTIFICATION BY THE SPIRIT, and your belief in the Truth."



This Scripture tells us that there will be very few Gentile 'tribulation saints'. The great multitude in heaven, that no one can count who are before the throne and before the Lord, is the raptured Church from the Church Age of about 2,000 years; not from the relatively short tribulation of a few years.




Come Lord Jesus

Anonymous ID: 3ac59e Dec. 23, 2018, 10:17 p.m. No.4447510   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I have completed my two-part series entitled "The Image Of God" (Part 1 and 2). The following is an example of my findings in the Vesica Piscis, which can be found in Part 1: ;


The Vesica Piscis is a geometric shape that was well known in the ancient world. It involves the joining of two equal Circles, such that their edges touch their centers. This leads to my discovery of "The Vesica Piscis Of Standard/Ordinal Genesis 1:1". Unbelievably, a Vesica Piscis with a width of 26 units yields a height of 45 units. The reason this is so astonishing is it ties right into my earlier discovery of "The Standard/Ordinal Code Of Yahweh And Adam", which ties Standard Genesis 1:1 to Ordinal Genesis 1:1 …




WIDTH of Vesica Piscis (highlighted in purple) = 26 units and HEIGHT of Vesica Piscis (highlighted in purple) = 45 units


26^2 + 45^2 = STANDARD Genesis 1:1


26th PRIME + 45th PRIME = ORDINAL Genesis 1:1


LEFT Circle symbolizes STANDARD Genesis 1:1 and RIGHT Circle symbolizes ORDINAL Genesis 1:1




The Lord showed me that not only does this Vesica Piscis highlight the Standard/Ordinal mathematics of Genesis 1:1, it is an eternal testimony to the dual nature of Jesus Christ as "Fully God" and "Fully Man". The Standard Hebrew value of "YAHWEH" (representing GOD) = 26 and the Standard Hebrew value of "ADAM" (representing MAN) = 45. Thus, we have the following flawless perfection, which I have appropriately coined "The Vesica Piscis Of The God/Man" …




WIDTH of Vesica Piscis = 26 units and HEIGHT of Vesica Piscis = 45 units


"YAHWEH" (representing GOD) = 26 and "ADAM" (representing MAN) = 45




LEFT Circle symbolizes fullness of DEITY and RIGHT Circle symbolizes fullness of HUMANITY




The following is taken from Part 2, which involves a body of evidence I have discovered that forms a stunning mathematical/geometric/theological union. You can read Part 2 in full here:


The Standard Greek numerical value of “JESUS CHRIST” = 2368 and the Standard Hebrew numerical value of “ADAM” = 45. Every Triangular number can be accommodated by a Plinth (or Trapezium) made up of a specific number of counters. Most numbers can be represented as a geometric Plinth in several different ways, which means most numbers can accomodate several different Triangles through its various Plinth configurations. The important thing to keep in mind is this: There is only ONE way to represent 2368 as a geometric Plinth. I repeat, there is only ONE way to represent 2368 as a geometric Plinth. This leads me to my discovery of “The God/Man Triangle Of Jesus Christ”. The EXCLUSIVE Plinth of 2368 counters accommodates the 45th Triangle (1035) and consists of precisely 37 rows! …




PLINTH = The ONLY way to represent 2368 as a geometric Plinth


Standard Greek “JESUS CHRIST” = 2368


The ONLY Triangle accommodated by Plinth 2368 = The 45th Triangle


Standard Hebrew “ADAM” = 45


The number of rows in Plinth 2368 = 37




Mathematics makes visible that which is invisible. That is a fact. Jesus Christ is God. That is a fact.


Battalion Of Christ,


Leo Tavares (aka "Gambini" aka "I Am Gematria")

Anonymous ID: 3ac59e Dec. 23, 2018, 10:23 p.m. No.4447552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7564

My Christmas Message for 2018:



Our story is from the movie Gladiator and takes place during the reign of the Roman Emperor Commodus. In a costly battle, General Maximus has just defeated the Germanic tribes. The aging Emperor Marcus Aurelius, summons Maximus to his tent and asks him to become protector of Rome after he dies. He tells Maximus, “I will empower you to one end alone-to give power back to the people of Rome and end the corruption that has crippled it. Will you accept the great honor I have offered ?” “With all my heart”, says Maximus. But before anything can be finalized, the emperor’s evil son Commodus arrives and murders Marcus Aurelius. Commodus then asks for Maximus’ loyalty. But Maximus’ loyalty is to Marcus Aurelius and his dream of restoring Rome. And when Maximus refuses, Commodus orders his execution and the murder of his wife and child. Maximus escapes, but is captured by slave traders and sold to a gladiator trainer named Proximo, who eventually brings Maximus to fight at the Colosseum in Rome.



Lesser men would have despaired of all hope. But Maximus is convinced that he will see his wife and child in the afterlife. He never doubts his destiny nor his true identity, which remains a mystery to all but his fellow gladiators. He racks up one victory after another in the Roman Colosseum. When Maximus defeats the previous champion, the Emperor Commodus, being curious as to the identity of this masked gladiator, goes out to meet him. He commands Maximus to remove his helmet and reveal his name. Surrounded by the imperial guard and in the presence of thousands of blood-thirsty spectators, he removes his helmet and turns toward the Emperor: “My name is Maximus Decimus Meridus, Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, Loyal Servant of the True Emperor Marcus Aurelius, Father to a murdered son, Husband to a murdered wife.” The stunned Commodus realizes that he must find a way kill Maximus without losing face. In the final scene, Commodus fights Maximus in the Colosseum after stabbing him in the back to ensure the outcome of the fight in his favor. Despite his fatal wound, Maximus kills Commodus before he himself collapses and dies. As Commodus lies unlamented in the dust, we see Maximus walking amidst fields of grain towards his wife and son as his body is borne away by his fellow gladiators.



The evil Commodus was a real historical figure. Maximus, although fictional, is a type of Christ. Jesus was empowered by His Father to put an end to corruption and rescue humanity from the evil ruler of this world, who offered Jesus all his worldly kingdoms, if He would bow down and worship him. But Jesus, remaining faithful to Father God, refused. And from that time on, the Dark Prince sought to kill Him. But time after time, Jesus confounds his enemies. The full extent of His divine identity is known only by his closest disciples. When Jesus is arrested and brought to trial, the high priest asks Him, “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?” Jesus, standing before all His enemies, knowing that His answer will condemn Him to a brutal death, openly declares His identity: “I am. And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.” And so, in the final book of the Bible, we see the victorious glorified Jesus, Commander of the Armies of Heaven, coming to reclaim the kingdom from the enemy. And on His robe is written, “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.”



Christmas, that is the incarnation, is the defining event in human history. The “powers that be” tell us that we are merely an accident of nature, and there is nothing beyond this sorry life. David, the warrior King, sets the record straight: “Your eyes saw me when I was inside the womb. All the days ordained for me were recorded in your scroll before one of them came into existence.” -Psalm 139:16. Jesus assures us that the very hairs on our head are numbered. He is preparing a place, for us who believe, in His Father’s kingdom. The hour is late; this is not the time for cowardice or indecision. Each of us must declare our loyalty, either to the Dark Prince of this world or to the Heavenly Prince of Peace. Jesus came 2000 years ago in peace, bringing the Father’s goodwill to all men. Soon, He will return to destroy His enemies and rule the nations. Only then will the last portion of Isaiah’s prophecy be fulfilled: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end.” -Isaiah 9:6,7



Merry Christmas,