Anonymous ID: b08e00 Dec. 23, 2018, 10:10 p.m. No.4447451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7478

Can we ask the Dems for $25 billion for the wall. Trump can just continue raising the number every time the wall argument comes up and let the Democrats shoot it down.


Maybe Tweet about how many $billion per year illegals are costing the US gov and the taxpayers in their abuse and misuse of healthcare, medicaid, medicare, ebt and other Fed welfare programs.

Anonymous ID: b08e00 Dec. 23, 2018, 10:25 p.m. No.4447566   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, anyone.


Based on the various books and other reading, USA did not become known as superpower of the world and land of sugar and honey till after the 1950s. Before WW2 USA was simply USA afaik, it was not known as "the America". Back then when people chose to emigrate to USA they didn't do it out of expectation of welfare or benefits; running away from actual murderous and oppressive regimes such as the Tzars Pogroms in Russian empire starting in 1880 or seeking a shot for a better life with fewer restrictions from the government or the ruling classes. These people were actually running away from their shitholes and the shitheads that oppressed them, taxed them and didn't give them a chance to improve their own lives. Contrast that to present day where save for few countries in Middle East and Africa, you'd be hard pressed to say that all others are actually escaping murderous oppressive regimes.


I'm sorry, some wall climbers want to mention gang problems? What, you don't think we've had gang problems in USA for the past century if not more (gangs, mafia, etc…). That's not exactly a valid reason to cut tail and run. Given the fact that most of the people doing the running are military aged males. So wait a minute, your country is a dump (more or less for most in Central America), it continues to be a dump due to numerous decisions by the ruling class and their supporters and you choose to cut tail and run to USA because it is easier, got free $ and you can just run the border.

The French got a lot of flak from Americans undeservingly (since the Iraq war) for being pussies who surrender and yet the French people are engaging mano a mano in melee fights against the Macron police forces and paid of mercenaries. Push comes to shove these people know that they need to fight for their share of the pie and for the rights to be heard.

Meanwhile you got a bunch of CentralAmericans and SouthAms young males just running for USA border, not giving a hoot about USA laws or its people and demanding to be let in or paid off. Why the hell do we want to let more of these people in? They have demonstrated their lack of courage, their lack of patriotism and commitment to the welfare and future of their own countries by cuttin and running and their weakness of character and entitled nature by thinking and stating in press that they deserve the right to get into the USA.

Anonymous ID: b08e00 Dec. 23, 2018, 10:31 p.m. No.4447624   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Jesus was an example of ritual human sacrifice. The Cross is nothing less than the worship of Human Sacrifice. Jesus and the two guys that stole something were slaughtered in public in a slow torture death. He didn't die for your sins, he was wrapped up in a smear campaign, murdered in public, and then used as propaganda to enslave humanity all over the western world.

but wait

>all the countries that adopted, followed and continuously practiced christianity became present day superpowers or all in the Top10 superpowers (fraud China doesn't count, once USA pulls all of its investments and trade $, China will never again crack the G8 economics power level)

You are very stupid.